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Nikita watched as the Princess and her uncle played. Even with all of her responsibilities, Princess Fir always seemed to find time to stay youthful. They were playing a game of hide and seek again, but this time in their dragon forms. That meant the ability to camouflage, making it all the harder. No matter where the Princess hid though, her uncle always managed to find her. It was cute because Princess Fir pouted every time. It seemed that the more time Nikita spent with her, the more she saw her true colors. In the middle of one round, her uncle was called to a meeting, and Princess Fir settled beside Nikita on the southern tower, transitioning from dragon to semi-human. The Princess sighed and seemed to finally be at least a little bit worn down. She leaned against Nikita and closed her eyes. She smelled like winter mint and pine trees. Nikita felt heat bloom across her cheeks. "Would you like to retire for a period of time, Your Majesty?" she asked. Princess Fir gave a nod, but waited a few moments before standing up and heading down into the tower.

Princess Fir felt oddly at ease with Nikita. There was something about the maid's aura that relaxed her. It was strange, this feeling. She remembered it from when her mother was still alive. It was warm, welcoming, comfortable. However she didn't think she recognized the part where it hurt. Fir sat on the plush velvet sofa next to the fireplace in the common area of her chambers, inviting Nikita to join her. She watched as the girl cautiously set herself on the cushions. "Relax," she said. She watched as Nikita seemed to wage a mental war before loosening the tension in her shoulders and leaning back. She could've sworn she heard a sigh. They sat in each other's company for a moment, before Nikita uttered a few soft words. "Why do you allow this, Princess?" Fir stared at Nikita. "Why wouldn't I? Aren't you deserving of rest as well?" She knew that this was frowned upon, peasants being equal with royals, yet she couldn't bring herself to enforce it. It didn't feel right. She must've done something right, as Nikita began to smile, just barely. As of it were contagious, Fir felt herself do the same. "Forgive me, but you are different from the others. I would like to get to know you," Nikita said. "And I, you" Fir replied.

{IM BAAAAAACK! Very sorry for the delay, in all honesty I had zero motivation to write, but out of sheer boredom I have convinced myself to do so and am now inspired! I will try to update on a schedule from now on. I'm going to try Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but it may become Tuesdays and Thursdays. This chapter was a short one, I know, but I will be rolling out more today, so I hope that makes up for it :) goodbye ducklings}

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