Um, no.

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Fir sat patiently at the stone table. She looked towards the fountain to the side of the room, the bioluminescent algae glowing a greenish blue. Sometimes she wondered what it was like to be a creature of the sea. Not limited to a section of the atmosphere, able to travel across the world, see such diversity without the diversity in question being afraid of you. The rocky door opened, and she turned her attention to the newcomers. The Fae were intimidating, even for dragons. They were beautiful, sure, but that beauty had a razor thin edge. Like pointed eyeliner. She kept her face professional, not letting her anxiety peak through. Just as she was trained to do. The Fae seated themselves. The Queen and Prince had come to the meeting today, dressed in their royal colors. Shades of emerald green and earthy brown made up the Prince's suit and the Queen's dress. The Queen's dress was perhaps the most eye-catching, fluffed to resemble a flower blooming. The adults, meaning the Queen and her father, began talking. Boring stuff about politics, diplomacy, alliances... marriage? She began to pay more attention. "They are both around that age now, and with the tensions between our kingdoms and the sea getting higher, it may be wise to form an alliance through marriage," the Queen was saying. Fir was repulsed by the idea of marrying, especially the Fae Prince. It's not like he wasn't attractive- she just had no interest in him or anyone else currently. The king made a sound of consideration. Best not let it get any farther. "Um, no."

Nikita stood there in shock, fear, and... admiration. Princess Fir had just denied a royal. Two, for that matter. She stood behind the princess and watched as the Fae Queen said, "Excuse me?" The King chuckled. "Daughter, that is not for you to decide." His wings seemed to twitch in annoyance. Princess Fir kept her face cool as she replied, "Are you implying that I am pawn to be moved around your board, rather than a future Queen?" The King met the Princess with a hard stare and the world stopped. Nikita was stunned to find that the King broke first. The King turned to the Queen and said, "We will consider your offer. Safe travels." With that, all the royals rose, going their respective ways. "Nikita, Deanna," the Princess called. Nikita and the nursemaid followed Princess Fir out of the chamber. Where they were going, she was unsure. All she knew, the Princess was in a royally pissed mood.

Deanna already knew where this was heading. The Princess always went to the garden when she was upset. What Deanna didn't understand was why she was upset. She should be leaping at the offer of an arranged marriage. One, she wouldn't have to worry about the messy aspects of love, two, her kingdom would prosper, and three, she could do worse. But of course, her ward had said no. Deanna would surely be punished in some way for this. "Influencing" her. For now though, her attention should be on Princess Fir. And perhaps the newest arrival, Nikita. She got a strange feeling with Nikita, one that cautioned her every instinct. Princess Fir, as usual, neglected the bench and sat among the foliage. It looked as though she were having a silent conversation with the flowers, telling them of her woes as if they could understand. The young maid seemed awkward, out of place beside the Princess. Deanna nearly flew out of her skin when she dared to kneel down beside her. As if she were an equal. Deanna decided to watch for a moment to see what would happen. Nikita did nothing for a time, but then quietly murmured something she couldn't hear to Princess Fir. Something flashed in the Princess's eyes. Confusion, amusement, acceptance. Very strange indeed. Before the interaction could progress, Deanna walked over and promptly backhanded Nikita. "How dare you sit as an equal to her royalty!" she seethed, "Your job is to serve, not play." The Princess looked up at Deanna with something like hurt, but she couldn't tell. Nikita stood, apologizing, and stood by her, face cast in shadow. Princess Fir got to her feet, saying "I think I want to go to my rooms." Deanna took the lead, not catching the glance the Princess gave Nikita.

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