A Promise

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Strangely enough, when the pair of dragons returned to the castle and had shifted, they were not called for an audience with the King. Nikita had thought he would have at least some reaction to her attempt at escape, but perhaps he expected it. Or he was just a "pompous snot-brained worm" as Fir called him. They immediately went to the kitchens upon entering, as Fir had never gotten her deer. The servants asked what she desired, and Nikita wondered how long she had flown if she was that hungry. When the food arrived, Fir offered to share. Nikita declined, saying the Princess needed the energy more. "Don't be silly," Fir said with a smile. "Half of this is for you!" Nikita couldn't stop the heat rising to her cheeks and the smile that contorted her face. She nodded a thanks and ate with the Princess, both of them too hungry to make small talk. Out of the corner of her eye, Nikita saw a few of the servants gossiping. She shot each of them glares. Despite her feeling for Fir, she couldn't let rumors start. Then they would be separated, and that punishment was worse then whatever beating she inevitably would receive. After a hearty breakfast, they flew to Fir's tower. Nikita had pointed out playfully she was in desperate need of a bath. Deanna was waiting for Fir when they arrived and immediately chided her for running off. It wasn't faked, but there was something off about it...yes. The real worry was damaging her reputation and progress. Deanna took her to the washroom, and about 30 minutes later Fir was out, scrubbed clean and... naked?! Well, she was wrapped in a towel. "The oils used to soften the skin need to air dry for some time," Deanna explained impatiently. Nikita stuttered something, and made an excuse to leave the chamber for a moment as she calmed her racing heart. You will not imagine such blasphemy, she told herself. Around 5 minutes later she reentered. Fir was sitting on the ottoman by a vanity while Deanna fretted about for a comb. Nikita made herself useful and found it. "Good, now brush, I must wash the jewelry," Deanna said. She gathered up Fir's earrings and simple headdress, then walked out. Nikita touched Fir's hair, soft as silk. She ran her fingers through it just a moment, enjoying the indirect touch. She gathered a section and brushed, starting at the bottom and working her way up to avoid damaging the thick locks. She looked up and saw Fir had her eyes closed and leaned into the motions, a soft smile upon her lips. She began to hum, and Nikita enjoyed the sound. Gentle as the breeze, smooth like a calm river, elegant like a morning lark's. She fell into a rhythm, and was melancholy when she had completed her task. That is, until the sweet words escaped Fir's lips.
"You may keep going," Nikita picked up the comb to resume, but Fir corrected her. "Not with the brush." Nikita smiled for the millionth time that day and caressed the sheet of hair. She hated herself for doing it, but finally she had to interrupt. "Fir," she called. Fir opened an eye to show she was listening. "I... well, I..." she sighed. She couldn't say it. So she said the next best thing. "I promise I will always remain by your side if you so wish. My talons, my wings, every fibre of my being are yours to command. I swear it on my immortality." Silence, and then, "I like you too."

Fir turned and faced a stunned Nikita. She had known of her feelings for a while, despite how she tried to hide them. Fir was excellent at reading dragons. Fir stood and held up a finger, the sign to wait. She went to the massive closet and quickly changed into simple clothes. A leather cropped top connected by a y-shaped strip of cloth to the bottom portion, with bands to adorn her neck. She stepped out and walked to a now recovered Nikita. She grabbed her hands. "I accept your vow, and would like to make my own. I promise to cherish you and treat you as an equal, despite rank and status. I swear on my immortal life that my heart belongs to you, and that I will protect you." She never broke eye contact with Nikita as she spoke those words.
"Are you sure?" Nikita asked quietly. "Would a kiss be an acceptable answer?" "That's up to you, your majesty." Fir rolled her eyes and pulled Nikita in. It wasn't even a loaded kiss, but she swore it was hotter than any fire her kind breathed. It was soft and filled with love, passionate yet calm. It melted Fir's insides, and she would have stayed this way forever had she not heard Deanna approaching. She pulled away and faced a pouting Nikita. She laughed. "Later,"

Deanna opened the door with the now sparkling jewels. The girls were just as she left them. There was something lying unspoken however. She could tell in the silent looks they gave each other. Whatever it was, Deanna would find out, and she would shut it down.

{My babies! Aw that was so fun to write. Like last time, the title picture does not belong to me, rights and credit go to Tui T. Sutherland. This is a Nightwing for whom Nikita's dragon form is inspired. If you can't tell I am in love with the Wings of Fire series, even in my mid-teens. I am so sad that the series has ended, but I will always support it. I spent many a night staying up late as a child reading it by the light of a vtech watch, and daydreaming about being a dragon. Thank you Ms. Sutherland for all you have given the fandom. Anywho, might as well discuss other dragon character forms. I imagine Danny as a Sandwing, and the king +Deanna as old crinkly Skywings. I'll upload pictures of the different types with other chapters, but you can also look them up for a more detailed picture/description. Buh bye!}

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