Hello, your majesty.

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Nikita was bone tired by the time noon came around. The royals had more clothes than usual because of course they couldn't decide what to wear to a meeting. It made her glad to have a uniform. She made sure to check in with the head laundress before leaving to receive a job with the head maid. Nikita hardly paid attention to where she was going, she simply let her feet take her where she needed to go. Finally, she arrived at a small yet busy wing of the castle. Servants went in and out, taking orders from their respective heads. Nikita stood in line to receive her task from Natalie, wondering what she would be burdened with today. She'd done practically every task that could be done. When she was at the front of the line, Natalie began to give her her task. "Today you will be mopping the stair-" she was cut off by the second-in-charge whispering something in her ear. Natalie noticeable stiffened at whatever it was they had said. She turned to Nikita, her face a mask of no emotion. Her next words were slow and cold. "Today... you will be attending to Princess Fir." Nikita's heart stopped. The princess?! She realized she hadn't responded and quickly nodded before rushing out. Only the higher-ups or the maids with more experience ever attended to royalty. Well... she had been employed for over 3 years now. But the average time most servants were here was at least 12. Her body shook with anxiety as she climbed the steps to the princess's room. Stopping at a window, she attempted to calm herself. Looking out, she saw birds flying by. They looked as if they were coming towards the window at first, but then turned away at her presence. It made her sad. Why were they afraid? Dragons fly just like them. Sure, dragons eat birds sometimes, but it's no different than a bird of prey eating one. She sighed, continuing on, NOT feeling better. How was she supposed to do this? Heart pounding as she neared the door, she took several deep breaths before knocking. A woman who must've been in her 40's answered the door. Nikita didn't really work with any of the nurse-maids, so she couldn't remember this one's name. The nurse-maid glared at her, "You're late." Well yeah, it takes forever to relay a message from here to the servants quarters. "Apologies, madam," Nikita replied. The nurse-maid sighed, "At least you're here. Come along, the princess must not be kept waiting." Nikita nervously followed her into the princess's chambers. Nikita was surprised to see how plain the area seemed to be. Sure, there were a few paintings and furniture, but no decorations. She was led to what seemed to be an activity chamber, complete with a billiard table and several board games. As her eyes searched the room, they latched onto a single figure. Princess Fir was elegant. She had full, white wings that contrasted well with her milk chocolate skin. Her hair was a pale shade of brown; almost blonde, and it fluffed out to the side to almost resemble horns. Her eye lashes curved upward and framed her golden eyes, a spray of impossibly light brown freckles covering her nose and under those golden eyes. Her ears were pointed (as all dragons were), but hers were adorned with golden cuff earrings. Aside from the earrings, she wore an also golden laurel atop her head, a red jewel hanging from a silver chain coming to rest on her forehead. The dress she wore was obsidian purple, with cuffs on the sleeve. It went down past her legs and trailed slightly behind her. Nikita tried to calm her throbbing heart. "Well, aren't you going to say hello?" Princess Fir inquired. Nikita's face flushed in embarrassment as she dropped into a curtsy. "Greetings, your highness. It is an honor to serve you."

Fir observed the female as she spoke. Fairly pale skin with ebony black wings and light brown eyes. Her hair was blonde looked to be short, but actually was up in two twin buns. Her face had a slight blush as well as two sharp scars. One caressed her left cheek, the other stretched up to her right eye. She was in a standard black and grey maid's uniform with a white bow on her head and a frilly collar around her neck. Fir granted her permission to rise. "What is your name?" she asked. She asked everyone who attended her this. It made it less awkward to know their names in her opinion. "Nikita," the young maid answered. Fir took a moment and appreciated the name. Nikita meant "victor". Fir wondered if Nikita felt like a victor, being in the position she was in. Fir was so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed Deanna talking. "...busy schedule. Let's get to work!" her nurse-maid was saying. Fir pretended to know what she was talking about and followed her lead, waving Nikita along. Nikita hurried to her side. Fir smiled. She couldn't have been here for super long, Fir had never seen her anywhere. Oh well, Nikita was here now, and Fir had a meeting to attend to.

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