Love Languages

370 6 0

Ship: Andriel

Post Canon

TW: mention of SA, but none actually in the story.

Andrew's POV

On the sunny Wednesday afternoon Andrew was driving to  his therapy appointment. This was his one on one session, he had a joint one with Aaron every other Wednesday now.

When he got to Bee's office he was glad that the building had air conditioning because he was getting really warm. He could've avoided this he supposed by wearing more appropriate clothes but instead he wore all black and had his arm bands on.

Bee was waiting for him, cup of hot chocolate in hand, when he arrived. He followed her without a word and sat down in his usual seat.

"Hello Andrew, hot today isn't it?"

"Like hell" he said, sipping his drink.

Betsy sat in her seat and sipped on her drink. They were quiet for a few minutes before Bee looked up at him. Andrew felt a little jumpy, like if he stayed still for very long he would die.

"Is there anything you want to discuss?" She looked at him with a smile on her face. Perfectly pleasant and encouraging.

Was something bothering him? He thought about it for a while, Bee didn't seem to mind and let him contemplate.

He did have the dorm alone with Neil that night, Kevin and Coach were having a father son bonding long weekend. Since it was summer they didn't have required practices but Kevin had been doing it anyway.

Coach had convinced the school to let them stay at Fox Tower since they wanted to stay near court. So Neil and Andrew lived in the same dorm.

Neil was at the stadium now, doing laps. Andrew was going to pick him up after his appointment, but did he want to talk about that?

"Neil and I have the dorm to ourselves tonight." He decided to tell her, not knowing why.

"That must be nice, you two getting some privacy."

"He gets to annoy me more this way."

Bee nodded, still smiling like Andrew made a joke.

"I suppose he does. How are you feeling about spending some alone time with him?"

Well Andrew felt like he would vomit. But not in a bad way.

"Nervous I suppose." He said slowly. Bee was one of the only people he would admit that to. She wouldn't judge, she never assumed. She only listened. Maybe that's why Andrew bothered with the therapy sessions now, he didn't legally have to be here.

"Why would you be nervous? This isn't the first time you've been alone together, right?"

It was not the first time, in fact it wasn't even the first time this month, but it would be the longest amount of time spent completely alone. Aaron and Nicky were in Germany, and the rest if the team were home.

"I don't know how to be intimate with him." Andrew said slowly, still considering his words to find if they were true. "I've touched him, but I won't let him touch me."

"Because you're in control that way." He nodded even though it wasn't a question. "Andrew it's understandable that you want to be in control after what you went through."

He forced his face neutral and made himself not shudder, though even thinking about it made him feel incredibly sick. The people who hurt him were dead, but that didn't stop the reaction.

"I can touch him, and be fine. I want him to-" he stopped himself. He wanted to let Neil blow him, to kiss him, or to even just touch. He wanted to let Neil take him apart or hold him together without thinking of those assholes. Without feeling like he might die if he let it happened.

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