Chapter two

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He was woken up to something nudging his back. He tried to pull it off, to slap it off but it just wouldn't. What was it? He woke up and saw just darkness but a light shining down from somewhere above. The light was a spotlight, wasn't it? He sighed and sat up, the light changing shape to make sure the pale blond boy was seen. By who? No one was here but he could feel eyes on him. It felt so uncomfortable.

The pale blond stood up and looked around. Eyes were seen and voices were heard all around him. Man, if the younger version of himself saw this he would be glad to have so much attention. But now he was tired. Tired and so close to giving up on everything. He stopped pretending he was happy about his career to his older brother, the person who supported him the most throughout his whole life. Of course this clearly meant he had to stop.

But what was that? A little ray of pure light flooding this room of darkness he was in. The ray was small but hope was larger and he heard those words he loved to hear when he was younger. The words from his idol which said never to give up, no matter how things went down the drain and messed shit up. The pale blond closed his eyes once more and opened them. But this time he didn't see the light in the dark room but his messy room. Ah, a dream.

"Tian!" Jian Yi called out and sat up in his bed sluggishly. No response. After a few moments, some footsteps were heard and Jian Yi got out of the bed groggily and limped to the door. "Tia-" Oh. Brother Qiu?

"Manager-sir-brother Qiu?" Jian Yi rubbed his eyes until they became bloodshot eyes. Qiu sighed and put his right hand on his forehead, his left arm supporting his right.

"You don't need to call me that, Jian Yi." Qiu shook his head.

"You call me 'Jian Yi' everyday so it's not fair!" Yi pouted but to Qiu instead of looking cute, Jian Yi looked stupid. "What do you want then, Manager?"

"I saw the message that the manager of Zhan Zhengxi sent you."

"You SNOOPED through MY PHONE?" Jian Yi gasped dramatically but started to laugh a few seconds after he flung a hand to his forehead. Qiu looked at him, unamused. "But really, what do you think? Should I do it? I think I should!"

"Oh yeah? What if you get tired halfway through the filming and quit?" Qiu questioned.

Jian Yi's fists clenched and he grit his teeth while managing to say. "I. Won't." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before saying, "Brother Qiu, you know Zhan Zhengxi was my inspiration for acting? I told you! I would sell my arms and legs to work with him in a movie!"

"I just don't want you disappointing Zhan Zhengxi. Your mood swings are terrible. Only your friend and big brother can handle them." Qiu was silent for a few moments before adding, "and me, I think."

"Blah-blah-blah." Jian Yi rolled his eyes and made some actions with his hands. "I won't do any of the shit you just said. I won't get mad or tired easily. You see, I'll be on my best behaviour. And I'll impress Zhengxi!"

"Right, good luck with that." Qiu smirked and turned away from the pale blond. "Quickly get dressed to go out."

"Where we going?" Jian Yi asked.

"Going to go meet up with the cast."



"OH! WAIT WHAT?" Jian Yi shrieked and ran after Qiu, bombarding him with questions. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, MANAGER?"

"Well... I knew how stubborn you were so I already agreed to it! I met He Tian in the morning and he also said you agreed to it." Qiu chuckled as he saw Jian Yi's jaw drop.

"Manager... I need to get the most fashionable clothes you've ever laid eyes on." Jian Yi muttered as he jogged into his walk in closet that he shared with He Tian. After a few moments Yi called out, "Brother! I have no clothes! Tian took the best ones!"

Working with my Idol! And lover? (zhanyi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora