Chapter fourteen

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Bang, bang.

"Yi, If you don't stop..."


"You're paying for that if it breaks."


Zhan Zhengxi sighed and turned around to face the frustrated, now un-employed, man.

"Looking for a job can't be that hard," Zhan Zhengxi rolled his eyes. Jian Yi groaned and started to kick the cabinet once again.

Slam, slam—

"OKAY," Zhan Zhengxi threw his hand on the table. "Let's lay out job ideas on a paper. First, what are your talents?"

Jian Yi huffed and paused as he went through all the skills he's mastered in his life. What skill does he have other than acting?

"Can't think of any?"

He shook his head slowly in response.

"Well.. you can't cook. Your drawings are shit. You broke our neighbour's sewing machine. You have no patience when serving people. You aren't good with kids. At all.." Zhan Zhengxi then realised one thing. "Yi... You're hopeless!"

"Untrue! I have talents other than acting. For example, I can balance an egg on my nose." Jian Yi stood up and raced to the fridge, picking out an egg and placing it on the tip of his nose.

"Yeah for about 19 secon—"


Zhengxi's eye twitched at the mess he was going to clean up. After the first egg, Jian Yi decided to balance some more in hopes of achieving a longer time. Soon the floor was covered in egg yolk and whites, which looked ten times more disgusting on the already dirty kitchen floor.

"Stop! We'll run out of eggs!" Zhan Zhengxi snatched the egg out of Jian Yi's hand and checked the fridge, finding only three eggs left. "Ugh.. Yi, how is this 'talent' going to help you get a job?"

"I could break a world record and get rich and famous!" he exclaimed. "And this job will really make me happy. Trust me."

"It's not that.. It's just the world record for balancing an object on the nose is like 2 hours."


"Sorry to break it to you." Zhengxi shrugged and left to get some paper towels.

Jian Yi spent time thinking about jobs during the time his friend was gone. He was never good at anything in high school, well except for maths. However, he stopped focusing on maths after he wanted to try acting. In other creative subjects like music or art, he was horrible. One specific lesson remained in his memory for years now: the time when he tried to tune one of the teacher's guitars and ended up twisting the knobs too much, the string snapping. He vowed never to touch a musical instrument since then unless absolutely necessary.

The pale blond was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't realise Zhan Zhengxi coming back and cleaning up the mess in under ten minutes.

"I think I'll have enough money to last, Xixi." Jian Yi mumbled as his fingertips drummed on the table. "After all, I got a ton of money from like.. uhhh.. I don't know.. I started this when I was 15 and now I'm 21... How many years is that..? It seems like a lot so I'm set for life."

Zhan Zhengxi sighed and answered his question, "Six years of acting doesn't pay much."

"How many years have you acted for?" Jian Yi asked.

"About eight years.."


"Yeah, and I started at 14! How stupid are you?" Zhan Zhengxi face palmed, making the other say an "ahhh... okay.." as he understood the 'complicated math'.

Working with my Idol! And lover? (zhanyi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora