Chapter fifteen

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"You think this shirt is better," he held up the plain grey shirt. "or this one?" and then presented the same grey shirt but the sleeves were decorated with black stripes.

"You're going to a hangout not a fancy event. Hurry up and put a fucking shirt on." Zhan Zhengxi sighed and left the room to go get ready himself.

"WHICH ONE, XIXI?" Jian Yi called as the door closed. "Hmm.. I guess the stripes are okay."

Okay?! It can't be just okay. This event will be so awkward that I need to at least look good incase I burst out crying.. from embarrassment of course. Why even bring me! I could be job searching right now.. or maybe learning a skill for a job.

And then the outfit idea came to him. A very fancy outfit which 'suited' the occasion. He strode out his room confidently to double check with his boyfriend if this was appropriate to wear.

"What the fuck. No."

"What d'you mean 'no'?!"

"It's a fucking suit. Yi, we're going to a very very casual event. You do not need to worry about under dressing." Zhengxi pushed him lightly back into his room.

"It'd be awkward! They'd clearly not want me there!"

"When Xiao Hui messaged me, she specifically asked for you to attend. I could never disappoint her and so I'm taking you with me." Zhengxi assured.

"Do I have to?" Jian Yi whined.

"I'd never upset Xiao Hui so it's either death or this." Zhengxi pulled out a simple khaki green jumper and threw it behind him, landing on the other's head. "Hurry up, yeah? We have to leave soon."

Jian Yi nodded slowly and put on his jumper. They sprinted out the apartment door, almost forgetting to lock it, and then ran down the stairs, opening the door to the flat and allowing the bitter breeze to come in. It was a cold and ugly Autumn so the sweater did not help, especially since he was not wearing any shirt underneath. Zhan Zhengxi noticed this as they walked down the busy street and pulled off his scarf and gloves. Then he wrapped the scarf around Jian Yi's neck and slipped his hands into the gloves. At this gesture, the pale blond's heart warmed but it was not from the scarf or gloves. But him.

Jian Yi grinned and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it tightly. He felt a thumb drawing circles on his palm to try and relax him. Of course he was very nervous. Almost as nervous as he was when confessing. He was going to meet the cast for 'Working with my idol' to check on how everyone was doing and what movie they were working on next. It has been over 5 months since they had finished the movie and 1 month since Jian Yi and Zhan Zhengxi has started dating. Would they be informing them or not?

They were now approaching the small cafe near the end of the street. Its dusty windows and almost dead lighting in the display was perfect for actors who didn't want to be noticed by fans. With a ding, the two entered the cafe quietly, reluctantly having to let go of each others hand. There was some looking around for the group before a loud gasp was heard in the left corner.

"Xi! Jian Yi!" a high-pitched voice exclaimed. It was Xiao Hui, wearing a very warm outfit. Her wooly scarf, hat, and jumper were all decorated with pink designs of flowers and waves. Her skirt was longer than the ones she normally wore and she wore long black boots which had a small fluffy fabric around the top that looked so comfortable to wear.

"Hello, Hui." Zhan Zhengxi gave a small smile and she returned it with an even bigger one.

"Come, come! Sit with us!" she exclaimed and led the two to a small booth. The seats were worn out and its yellow colour was dull and ugly from dust. Jian Yi reminded himself that it really was a place where fans wouldn't expect an actor to be, and that no one would be coming through the cafe door, asking for autographs and pictures.

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