Chapter 4.5

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"Oww, stop poking me." He Tian whined and brushed away Jian Yi's finger.

"Just telling you," Jian Yi pointed to the redhead waiter. "Your boyfriend is here."

"Yeah no shit. He's worked here for 2 years." He Tian rolled his eyes.

"NO WAY!" Jian Yi flung up from his seat while gasping. He looked around and noticed the weird stares everyone was giving him, and laughed awkwardly while scratching his head and saying "Sorry, aha.." before sitting down.

"Wow. You were that surprised?" He Tian grinned. "I guess I was the only one who knew!"

"Wipe that smug look off your ugly face, dickhead." A familiar voice came from behind their table. "Many people know; Jian Yi is just stupid as hell. And forgetful."

"Do you want me to frown instead?" He Tian leaned back in his chair. The redhead kept quiet and rolled his eyes while setting plates down on the table neatly, before jogging away to go help another customer.

"Probably a no." Jian Yi mumbled while poking his messy mashed potatoes. "Hey why is my meal so ugly?"

"I paid extra for that. Be grateful, you piece of shit." He tian's grin was now upside down. "Look, you made me frown. Thanks a lot."

"Ew! You paid extra for this? Who made this monstrosity!" He poked the ugly lump of food again but with his fork this time.

"Ugh stop! You're so annoying." He Tian snatched the fork out his brother's hand. "Have you ever been taught not to play with your food?"

"Yes I have." Jian Yi stole the fork back and held it next to his ear protectively. "But I don't listen."

"Exactly why you don't have a girlfriend. Too childish." He Tian waved his hand and turned the other way, focusing on Mo. "I'm mature unlike you."

"NO!" Jian Yi slammed his hand on the table and had the biggest frown anyone could imagine. "I'm mature!"

Someone then tapped his shoulder and he jumped in surprise when he saw Mo's fuming face. "I came to see what the fuss was. You're disrupting everyone." He pointed his finger at He Tian while warning them. "You make one more sound and you're banned for twenty years."

"Sorrryyyy, Momo." Jian Yi mumbled while resting his chin on his hand. "It's just He Tian says I can't get a girlfriend and that he's more mature than me." He poked the potatoes angrily at the words "girlfriend" and "mature".

Mo scoffed and Jian Yi looked at his brother. "Y'know if you're so mature, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Watch this. I'm gonna ask out someone right now." He Tian faced towards the redhead. "Mo, go out with me." He Tian said with a soft smile. The redhead froze with a furious, fed up face.

"You.." he whisper-shouted. He dug his finger into He Tian's messy hair as his eyes started to turn dark. "If we weren't here in my workplace right now, I would knock you out for eternity."

But of course. He Tian didn't mind.

"That's not how you get bitches, Tian." Jian Yi mumbled and snorted. He couldn't help it! He Tian seemed so smart when he would talk about relationships at home but he was a dork when he would follow his own advice. That's how Jian Yi knew to never follow his brother's nonsense on love.

Somehow, it works on Mo? Nah, they're just both idiots.

"I'll wait for you after work." He Tian crossed his arms and placed them on the table, leaning forward a bit. Before Mo could say anything, Jian Yi coughed twice before starting to whine.

"Ahem, I'm hungry." He paused and pointed to his stomach. "Hear it? Yeah those grumbles are me. Momo, how long do you take." He started to pout and looked like an ugly baby (according to He Tian).

"Eat the damn mashed potatoes, Yi." He Tian pushed the plate towards his brother.

"It looks like baby food!"

"Good, you are a baby. Want me to feed you?"

Jian Yi groaned and picked up him fork from the table, trying to scoop up the smallest amount of mashed potatoes. He nibbled on the the fork, not bothering to hide his joy when eating it. He Tian smirked as he was able to convince the most stubborn - well, after Mo - person in the world to eat his dinner.


"Alright, alright. I'll try not to." Mo was finally done after a tiring day of annoying customers who kept firing him up. When he looked up, he saw dark grey clouds as it started to drizzle.

"Ugh.. I need an-" he paused as he noticed a certain raven head leaning on a streetlight, holding an umbrella. "Oh.."

"Oi! Why are you out here?" Mo shouted as he dashed to him. Or well, in the umbrella's protection.

"I told you I would wait for you." He Tian handed it to the other. "Are you too tired to go on a date now?"

"Yes I am. I had to deal with Zhengxi last night. His stupid love troubles with Jian Yi."

"Ohh," He Tian was starting to remember what happened last night. "Right. Him."

"But, since you waited for me in this weather you can take me home." Mo murmured while looking to the side.

He Tian's face lit up as he put on a content smile. His arm swung around Mo's neck from habit as they started to walk.

"I have a question about that Zhengxi guy." He Tian said a few minutes after they started walking.

"Go on."

"What made him like my stupid brother?" Tian queried.

"Dunno. They're both just as stupid." Mo sneered.

"Yeah but can't he wait a bit. I just wanna get a lover before he does." He Tian pulled Mo closer. "And that lover would be you."

Mo gagged and pulled away from Tian's grasp. He turned his head the other way to hide his small smile while mumbling "Shut up. You don't know what you're saying."

HEY!! It's been a while. Here's a special chapter as a celebration for my return. 😋

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