Chapter twelve

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He Tian felt the whole thing was unnecessary. But really, a small part of him knew he was scared of being lonely.

"And you're sure this is completely what you want to do?" he asked Jian Yi again. "And not that devil forcing you into it?" and he pointed to Zhan Zhengxi.

"Ahem, I think you're the devil here." Mo mumbled.

"What did you say, Momo?" He Tian gave a threatening look.

"Tian, I'll be fine with Xixi." Jian Yi stood between them a quickly. After a month of planning and convincing, he was allowed to move in a small apartment with Zhan Zhengxi. There were some conditions, of course. And some agreements and the endless signing of papers. But it really was so worth it that Jian Yi agreed.

"He seems like a cold bitch." He Tian shrugged.

"You've never said that about him before!" Jian Yi face palmed. "Why now?"

"And I'm sure you're as cold and bitchy as him." Mo rolled his eyes, receiving a glare from the one which the comment was directed towards.

"I care now, Yi, because I won't be able to see you like ever! Yes, you're annoying but he's basically robbing me." He Tian argued.

"How so?"

"Well you live in my apartment and now he's taking you away. Isn't robbing taking things which are in my property without permission?"

"Yes but you don't really own me and we signed some paper work. So basically it's not robbing." Jian Yi grinned and He Tian let out a sigh.

"Fine. But you can't come back to me if he's done something to you." He Tian slumped on the couch lazily. He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "No wait, come back anytime. But you," he pointed to Zhan Zhengxi with the TV remote. "you won't have a second chance. I'll deal with you personally."

Zhan Zhengxi responded with an unfazed face and gave a sharp nod. Jian Yi sighed and pushed the idol as he walked away and decided they should help with the moving of boxes neatly stacked near the front.

"You don't need to be such a dick about it, you know." Mo frowned. "As an older brother, aren't you supposed to be jumping with joy? You were extremely happy looking at my improvements of grades back in high school."

"It's not like you were moving away or anything!" He Tian said. "Jian Yi only met Zhan Zhengxi a few months ago whereas we have been living together for years! Like all of Jian Yi's life."

"You don't really know anything do you.." Mo grumbled and picked up his jacket from the chair next to the counter in the kitchen. "They've been childhood best friends. Before Jian Yi ever seen you, He Tian." he headed towards the door. "I needa go work now."

"Little Mo wait—" a slam was heard across the hall and He Tian sunk back into the couch, flipping the channels until he could find one which could distract himself long enough. He didn't really want to think about Mo's words or what he didn't know. Maybe a nap at 7am wouldn't really hurt.


He looked at the paint brush, to the paint roller and then to the disgusting paint colour.

"Green? Are you kidding?" Zhan Zhengxi gagged jokingly. Although he was really repulsed from the lime-green paint Jian Yi chose.

"I think it would look fine with neon yellow. Like lemons and limes!" Jian Yi exclaimed and reached down to unlatch the plastic on the paint bucket's lid.

"No, no, no!" Zhan Zhengxi swooped down and snatched the paint bucket from the other's arms. "Let's pick.. another colour.."

"Why? Aren't we sleeping in different rooms?" Jian Yi asked.

Working with my Idol! And lover? (zhanyi)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu