Christmas special

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He paused to think and decide whether or not it could've been better decorated. Looking the tree up and down, he found several mistakes in his decorating: the tinsel wasn't wrapped around the tree properly, finding its way to the floor; the star was wonky and holding on the tip of the tree for dear life; the baubles lost their shine over the past few years after Tobias would not stop rubbing the glitter off them.

"Hey, Yi—" the door opened. Zhan Zhengxi stopped in the corridor and watched the horrendous tree glow. "Oh my gosh.." he whispered.

"This is the best you could do? Come on, Yi.." he sighed. "Tobias is coming back after six years of not properly seeing him. Don't you want to impress him?"

"I know, I'm trying!" Jian Yi groaned and flopped onto the couch next to the tree. The Sun was still shining. It always would. Even if there were heaps of snow and ice and cold everywhere in Germany. But who was complaining about the Sun being present? No one really. Everyone wanted to be warm; everyone wanted the Sun.

And so, the Sun blessed Jian Yi with some warmth as he got comfortable on the couch. He was then joined by Zhan Zhengxi, and they sat together in the many blankets that surrounded them.

"What should we do, Xixi?" Jian Yi mumbled as he stared at the tree.

"I think— I mean, maybe— why not we—" Zhan Zhengxi sighed when he realised he, for once, did not know what to do. "No clue."

Jian Yi suddenly got a very strange thought. He decided to share it with his husband to check if it was a good idea or not.

"Why can't we just burn—"

"No, we're not burning the tree."


Jian Yi groaned dramatically and threw the layers of blankets over his head.

"I'm the worst parent ever!" he cried loudly.

Of course, his bad luck made a other appearance when the doorbell rang. Jian Yi sprang out of the blankets and raced to the door. He unlocked it eagerly and found two teenagers waiting patiently outside. They seemed to be in a conversation before Jian Yi interrupted them. The boy looked different to Tobias. But he knew it was his son as Zhan Zhengxi welcomed them in, calling them 'Tobias' and 'Clara'.

"How are you and your girlfriend, Tobias?" Zhan Zhengxi asked as he took the boy's hat and scarf.

"Oh, just fine." Tobias nodded. "How are you?"

Small talk lead to topics about school and plans for the upcoming holidays. Jian Yi decided not to join in their conversation as he felt it would become awkward if he spoke. So he silently slipped away from the group to work on the tree. Maybe this could help the awkward feeling disappear.

But he didn't slip away so unnoticeably. Zhan Zhengxi excused himself from the table and went back into the living room, where the ugly tree sat waiting to be redecorated. There Jian Yi was, just as he expected.

"Yi," Zhan Zhengxi sat down next to Jian Yi on the floor. "what's happening? It's your son! Yeah, with his girlfriend. But some things are happening with her at the moment. You don't mind right?"

He waited patiently for a response, only to get none after some time. So he started to go on about how well Tobias was doing in school; Tobias' achievements and awards; talents Tobias mastered; his weird but likeable friends.. And so on.

"I've missed out—" choked Jian Yi, interrupting Zhan Zhengxi's rambling. "On so much." he buried his head in his hands and tried his best not to sob. "What kind of parent am I?" His voice sounded shaky and full of hurt.

Zhan Zhengxi debated on what to do for some time. He then stood up and left the room, leaving the door open. Jian Yi did not lift his head for what seemed like hours. The only thing that made him look up was the same boy he saw on his doorstep.

"Hi," the boy said and pointed to the tree. "you need help?"

No one else was in the room so that offer must only be for Jian Yi, right?

The pale blond nodded eagerly and accepted the boy's hand to stand up. The boy took a bauble and grinned at it.

"I remember this one." he said. "You shouted at me when I put it in my mouth. I was only seven too!"

Jian Yi brightened and let a small smile appear on his face.

The two spent half an hour redecorating the tree: they positioned the tinsel in a neat way; they made sure the baubles did not fall off the tree; they also made sure the star at the top was straight and beaming brightly. Silence filled the air but the moment seemed cozy and comfortable. Jian Yi stopped adjusting the tinsel to stare at the boy for a few minutes. When the boy met his gaze, he looked away guiltily.

"Sorry we couldn't see each other as much." the boy apologised.

"No! No," Jian Yi gasped. "Listen, I should be the one that's sorry. I didn't see you grow up properly and all you had was one father for six years.." Jian Yi kept staring at the floor, where decorations were scattered everywhere. "I wasn't there for you when you were upset, scared, happy, angry, lonely.. I'm sorry for being a terrible parent and for disappearing so long. Please give me another chance, Tobias, and let me properly parent you. Of course, if you want to. I won't force you and I understand if you don't." he added nervously.

Tobias' eyes became glossy and he stepped forward to embrace his father. From just his tight hold, Jian Yi was reminded of when Tobias was 10 and refused to let go of him before leaving the country. The two stayed like that for some time until screaming was heard in the kitchen. Jian Yi was first to let go and raced out the room as he heard Zhan Zhengxi's yell. Tobias followed anxiously and watched his father handle the situation.

"Xixi?" Jian Yi looked at the black smoke around them. "Would you like to explain?"


"I wouldn't want to either if I was in your situation." Jian Yi nodded.

Zhan Zhengxi bit his lip as he watched Jian Yi try to shoo away the black clouds rising into the air. Then he switched off the oven and checked the meal inside, not surprised the whole pie was burnt. Scrunching his nose, Tobias led Clara out the room and to the living room. Then he raced back into the kitchen to help his parents with the chaotic situation.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry Tobi." Jian Yi groaned once the clouds and horrific smell were gone.

"It's okay, Papa," Tobias smiled. "Mistakes can happen."

"I keep making mistake after mistake, though." Jian Yi mumbled.

"And that's fine! As long as I'm with you," they headed back to the living room to finish with the tree. "everything is fine."


Hellloooo!! And merry Christmas darlings!!! How are you guys doing? Thank you so much for reading this (horrible) fanfic.

I struggle a ton with fanfics since I forget the character's personality a lot so I'm sorry if the character is not accurate. There are many fanfics which present the character accurately (ahem my reading list) that I hope you check out!!

Thank you again for reading this!! have the best christmas in the world and if you haven't noticed this book has 19 chapters for a 19 days fanfic! wwoaah!!!

love you lots! <3

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