At the hospital

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"Hi I'm looking for a patient that was admitted yesterday" I said to the nurse at the counter.
"Do you know the name of the patient?"
"Yes. Her name is Molly Smith."
The nurse typed something into the computer.
"I'm sorry she isn't ready for visitors. Call tomorrow and We will let you know."
"Ok thanks"
The nurse smiled and then got up and left.
I walked around the hospital for a while trying to figure out what to do.
"Can I help you?" A doctor asked politely.
"No thanks. I was just leaving." I lied
I walked out of the hospital And sat on a bench. Mom wasn't due to pick me up for another three hours and I couldn't ask her to leave work to pick me up.
I walked to the bus stop and looked at the timetable. The bus that went to my house had just left and it was the last bus of the day. I picked up phone and called my boyfriend matt.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey matt it's Matilda I need you to come down to the hospital and pick me up."
"Ok I'll be there in 15 minutes"
"Bye Matilda" I walked back to the hospital and called mom. It went straight to voicemail
"Hi mom just letting you know that you don't have to come to the hospital after work matt is pick-"
Then my phone died.

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