The return 12

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Stumbling into homeroom I looked around for Molly and saw her in the corner of the room. She looked better then ever. She wore her hair out with I twist pinned up into it. A floral dress came to just above her knee on one foot she wore a black combat boot and on the other a cast. I wasn't sure what to do. Then I remembered she was my best friend and ran up to her and gave her a hug.
"Molly! I missed you!" She looked at me with disgust and rolled her eyes.
"OH MY GOD NAT!" She called to the other side of he room then she hobbled over there and gave my friend Natalie a big hug. I slumped over to my locker and got my biology books out then walked back into homeroom and flopped into my seat. I felt a year roll down my cheek and an eternal pain spiked through my body. She sat down next to me and started whispering to Natalie about me. I missed the real Molly. I missed my friend

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