Going back to school

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Home. I was home. With a bunch of medication I was ready to take on the world again. But that didn't change the fact that Molly was sick.
"Goodnight mom" I yelled while walking up the stairs
"Night honey. Love you"
I peeled out of my old clothes and put on my sweats and one of dads old t-shirts. I missed my dad so much. The day he was shot effected us all. From that day I made an oath to help everyone I see. Flopping into bed I turned on the TV and curled up into a ball underneath the sheets to conserve as much body heat as possible.
The next morning at school everyone was so kind to me and someone even offered to swap lockers with me so I could have a top locker. I was given flowers and cards and chocolate upon chocolate. I wondered into English and sat. Alone. Molly wasn't at school. I was hoping that in the three weeks I had away from school she would have come back. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes started to burn. I had to get out.
"Miss green may I please use the restroom?"
"Of course"
I ran out of the room and into a toilet stall. No. I told myself. No I can't let Molly get in the way of my studies. I had already missed three weeks of school I couldn't be distracted as well. I looked at my self harm scars and remembers how Molly helped my through such a hard time in my life. I grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and wiped my eyes clean. I had to get good grades. I had to forget about my best friend.

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