The return of tess 14

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"Hey mom" I said as I walked through the door. "Sorry I'm late. I hope you don't mind I brought a friend over as well."
"No I don't mind but maybe warn me next time." I walked into the living room and saw mom propping up her head with her fist and looking at about three hundred prices of paper lining the coffee table. She was taking small sips of coffee or tea to keep her awake. I had never seen my mom look so tired or stressed.
"You haven't seen my friend in a while. Want to re introduce yourself or something?" She turned around and the sour look on her face instantly turned into tears of joy.
"Tess" she said choking up. Tess ran over to her and hugged her. They always had a strong connection. I found myself crying tears of happiness as well. We were all together. The last time we am were all together had been for dads funeral. Today was a happy day. It felt like there was not a care in the world when I has Tess and mom with me. I loved them

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