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We piled into the hall squeezing through the crowded doors to get a seat. I was pushed and pulled by girls who were desperate to sit next to their boyfriends and best friends. I simply took my time walking at my own slow pace to any seat available. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the three school captains talking to a teacher and pointing at me. Taking no notice of it I sat down and waited for silence.
"Eh hem." The pricepal cleared his throat into the microphone to get our attention. Everyone quieted down and the school captain came to the mic and spoke.
"Good afternoon everyone. I have some very exiting news for you. Today Matilda brown in grade 10 has returned to school after emergency surgery on her appendix. Please come to the stage Matilda." Everyone started clapping and I felt embarrassed. It suddenly got to hot and stuffy in the room and I had to take off my jumper while walking to the stage. The captain handed me a certificate that looked. Like it was something five year old got when they had to have a blood test. It said 'hang in there Matilda for having surgery on you appendix.' Seconds later the captain made another announcement
"Tomorrow Molly smith in grade 10 will be returning to school after breaking her arm, leg and having surgery on her brain. Please make these student as welcome as possible!"
Molly was returning? She was back? I couldn't believe it Molly the same Molly that seemed so lifeless and sick was coming back to school. I should I have been exited, but I couldn't help but be sacred.

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