Tess 13

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"Hello?" I answered my phone expecting it to be mom.
"Hey Tili it's Tess!"
"Tess?" Tess was my older sister she went to London to do a medical course in collage.
"Yes Tess as in your older sister. I wanted to let you know I'm home. I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch before mom gets home and surprise her once we get home?"
"UMMM YESSSS!!!!!" I answered maybe a little to loudly.
"Awesome. I'll text you the details. Got to go! Miss you. Byeee" she said and then hung up. I decided to text mom to tell her I was going out to the mall after school and then maybe grabbing some lunch.

I hopped off the bus and ran to the house. I knocked on the door and then Tess opened it. I dropped my bag and books and flung myself into her arms. I hadn't seen her face for three years.
"Ok let me get changed and fix my makeup then we can go to lunch." I said to her
"Sounds good. But hurry."
I ran upstairs and removed my tank and Cardigan replacing it for a plain grey long sleeve shirt and my padded winter coat. I peeled out of my leggings and replaced them for jeans then I pulled my brown combat boots on and ran into the bathroom. Re- applying a coat of mascara and concealer I pulled my hair out of a messy bun and gave it a swift brush. Then running down the stairs I called
"Let's go!" Tess had taken the taxi to our house so we had to take my car.

Walking through the doors of Max's burgers a gust of hot air was a shock to the system making my hands and nose go numb.
"Table for two" Tess told the waiter. She lead us over to a booth by the window were I could see the pure white snow falling.
"Ok so tell me what happened with your appendix?"
We talked and ate for hours. Resizing that we had been at Max's for about three hours Tess stood up and went to the front desk to pay. I followed her to the door and car and then I realised that I left my phone on the counter in the diner.
"I forgot something" I told Tess then I ran back into Max's and asked for my phone. The waitress went into the back of the diner to get it. While she was gone I spotted Molly sitting with Sally, Natalie and my boyfriend. I walked over to then to see what was happening.
"Hey guys what are you doing?" I said cheerfully even though that was the opposite to what I was feeling.
"Hey babe." Matt said. " we're just catching up with Molly want to join us?" Out of corner of my eye I saw Molly's expression on her face when matt asked it I wanted to join them. It hurt me as if someone had gotten a piece of broken mirror and stabbed it into my heart.
"I'd love to" I said "but um Tess just got back from London so I'm kinda hanging out with her today." The relief on Molly's face was like someone had told me my hole family had died and then walked away as if nothing ever happened.
"Ok well maybe next time see you tomorrow Tili" Nat said genuinely being nice.
"Bye" I said in return. I grabbed my phone off of the waitress and walked out the door to the car were Tess was rocking out to bohemian rhapsody.
"Let's go." I said looking into the diner one last time. I lost everyone.

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