Second Lives Begins

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"Sashy are you sure it's safe?" The brunette looked around the abandoned warehouse.

"Pft what scared Boonchuy?" The blonde teased.

The Thai girl turned to the other. "No!"

"It seams like you are!" A voice from below said.

"I am not Mar-mar!"

"Then hurry and get away from the door." Sasha walked over to Marcy and and had to jog to catch up.

As the trio explored it was quiet Anne wanted to break the silence but something else did. A gun shot is what broke it. Without a thought the trio ran in different directions.

Marcy ran to what looked like a tower of boxes tripping to get behind it. Anne to the opposite direction to where they came and when she was out dived to get into a nearby barrel after seeing a silhouette. Sasha ran stright ahead and keep running till she bumped into something and fell onto her ass.

"What the fuck Percy!" A deep voice rang though the building.

"Boss that wasn't me?" The teen started to back away on the ground. It was to late they had seen her and he had seen them. A third person ran and knocked her out.

Marcy didn't know how long it had been but their was a rush of feet then a couple seconds later another but they stopped near by. "Look around the can't have gone far!" It was a commanding feminine voice that came.

All the Asian could think was a line of cussing while holding a hand over their mouth. There was a lot of stop and go movement. Someone stopped by the boxes before moving on only letting a second of relief was had then the boxes were falling. A yelp of pain or suprises was heard. All the noise stopped they knew who ever was in the dark was looking in their direction.

"Come out now!" It was the same voice as before.

The teen winced in pain as they stood up with their hands in the air.

"Turn around." Doing what they were told they saw about five people. One of them moved and something went around their head and it was quiet.

"YOU SAID THIS PLACE WAS ABANDONED!" Someone yelled as feet flew by.

"I WAS BOS-" who ever was speaking was silenced by a car pulling up. Doors open and closed and the car was off.

The girl waited in the barrel for what felt like forever. When she got out she went straight for her phone to text her friends to see if they were ok but was stopped the second she truned it on with a click to the back of her head.

"You've gotta be fucking wi-" it all went down from their.

Sasha woke up wrists and ankles tied to a chair. Looking around the room it was lit by a lamp in the corner, a door in front of him voices coming from the other side not able to tell what they were saying. It wasn't long till it opened and a buff man walked in a scar over his left eye.


"Secret and I could ask you the latter."

"I don't got to tell you shit."

"One of my underlings have already searched for any connection you would have with the Newts or Frogs." The blonde was confused then remembered what she had heard while skipping classes earlier that day.

"You guys are the Tower Guards." He whispered.

"Got that right kid." The man in front of her was quite for a minute or so. "Lets make a deal kid."

Anne woke with a jump something fell and woke her. "Oh no." A squeaky voice said and run off. Anne let her eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. Hand cuffed to the table in a chair it was cold.

"Fuck fuck fucK FUCK!" To busy panicking about what was going on to notice someone had entered the room.

"Now now calm down young lady."

Her head shot toward the source of the voice where a old man in a suit stood. "I'm so gonna die."

"Not if you do as I say."

"Which is what? Tell you everything I know? Cause I don't know much I'll tell you that!"

The old man looked at her and smiled. "Something like that."

"-at do you mean keep the kid sir?" Marcy woke up laying down nothing to restrain her other the the burning sensation of eyes on her. "Yes.. I know but they're a child... Okay." Someone else in the room moved. "They are awake."

Marcy lifted themself up no point in try to pretend any more. There was a tall muscular blond with an under cut and a raven haired lady in the room.

"Hello Ms. Wu." They cringed at that. The two peopel looked at the teen expecting something.

"Um can I go home?"

"Later but first lets talk."

"About what?"

"You're position and team you'll be on."





"You will be joining our ranks you don't have a choice if you want to live." The blonde basically growled.

"Yunnan don't be so sincere." Marcy let out a sigh. "But they are right. You see Marcy we did research while you were out and with your track record and skills we could use someone like you." The asian look at them for a while. "You will be trained, fed, clothed, and paid."

"Wait wait i don't need clothes or food."

"You will trust me child."

"And trained? Trained in what."

"How to handle a wepon and hand to hand combat." The taller of the two spoke nicer this time.

"Paid how much is it weekly monthly or what?"

"After every mission and depends on how hard and quick you get it done." The raven haired lady was back to answering questions.

Anne had sat though everything the old man said now faced with a decision life or join the mafia.

Sasha looked at the man as he finished. "If your own life isn't enough to persuade you we do know about you little friends."

The trio not knowing what they were about to get into said in unison the same thing. "Deal."

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