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Cooldad: Sasha be ready by 8 tonight we have a meeting to attend rember it's not what you're used to. 5:27 a.m.

Sir yes sir. read

Sasha had been up since 5:00 to do her morning routine. School didn't start for another three hours but he had to do the training she had been on since 14. Never gonna admit to Grime that it helped get out some bottled up emotions at first and it quickly became a form of therapy.

Momyouwho: kid did u get any sleep? anyway get to the spot at 7 30 olivias orders 4:59 a.m.

yes captain Sent

Marcy pulling an all nighter on Minecraft forgetting to sleep and study. Getting up from the desk to get ready for school and eat.

Spring: get to base at 745 or 8 pm 7:09

K sending...

Anne looked at her ceiling. "It's been four years since that night an I've gone up the ranks... at least I have college money." She got ready for the day ahead of her.

At 7:30 Marcy and Sasha barged into the Boonchuy house hold. "Morning!"

"Morning guys." Anne stood at the base of the stairs.

"Where's mom?" Sasha asked.

"Her and dad left to the restaurant early." Pushing them out the door to get on the way to school.

"Aww I wanted a cookie again." Marcy pouted.

"You two ate them all yesterday." They gasp and turn away from the brunette.

"Mars did we eat them all?"

"No I don't believe so there was two trays we only ate one." Anne rolled her eyes at the two.

When the trio got to school they split off to their classes. Only have one class with your friends sucked but what can you do when one of you is a human computer another a bit of a slacker the last one being average in everything. After school the group split up to their respective clubs and later homes.

Marcy was at their spot in front of a huge buliding for the mission.

"A business partner is gonna meet Olivia at a cafe six blocks down." Yunnan's voice came though the ear piece.

"I go in the apartment complex get into his home and do my thing."

"Yes. You have the key right?"

"Yup," The target left the building. "Gtg."

The asian stopped the door from closing and slipped in. Walking up the stairs to the sixth floor. Getting to room 36 unlocking the door an getting in. Heading stright to the hallway to the bed room. Searching the room for the prize.

"Bingo." They found the computer unlocked and all. Pulling out the hard drive and going though every file and searching for what they needed. Finding it was the easy part having an unamed folder with a password was a dead give away. Now was the hard part copying everything to the hard drive in a timely manner.

"It's gonna take about 30 minutes."

"Make it in 25."

The crunch was on it was the download time that needed to hurry and thank fuck it did.

"Kid there in the buliding gonna be to you in a minute."  Marcy ran out the apartment and was at the stairs when the elevator opened.

Anne got to base and was greeted by Polly handing her a folder. "Everything you need to know is in there."

"K thanks Polly." She opened the folder.

Solo mission

Go to the dock warehouses the farthest one next to the water. It belongs to us but a riseing gang is using it and intruding on our territory. Scare them out and burn it down. Take your usual vehicle has everything you'll need.

Anne walked to the garage and handed Wally the folder and he threw her keys. Her red truck really had all she needed. The drive was quite other then muttering of how to get in. Anne was use to missions like this. When she got to the docks she parked two buildings over. When she got to the building there were people moving creates in. Walking around to the back it was quite and she go in trough the door. There were creates stacked all around the building. Making it easier to get to the breaker box then what the original plan was. Flipping all of the switches.


"There are about 15 people in here five or six out there." Anne muttered as they were yelling at each other.

A flash light turned on. "I'll check the box!" Anne hid next to the box.

When they were about two feet away Anne kicked them. "Who the hell are you!"

Anne continued the barrage of punches and kicks as the others ran into their direction. A gun shot rang through the buliding then more. Anne ran behind the creates. "One knocked out 19 more to go."

Anne pull her pistol out of it's holster. Running out of the hiding place towards the crowd of people. They shot only zipping past or skimming her. Anne socked the first person she ran into in the face quickly takeing the chance to shoot their leg. She shot the person next to them in the wrist dropping their gun. The other people ran towards her ducking under the first swing and tackling them to the ground slamming their face into the ground. Turning around getting punched in the face rolling to the side fireing two shots into their torso. Jumping up only to be tackled to the ground dropping her gun. They pull back to punch. Anne ahead of them hits the stomach pushing them off grabing her gun pulling the trigger a shot to the head.

"GRAB THE OTHERS LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Someone yelled they were four feet away from Anne one last shot toward Anne and it hit her shoulder.

Anne followed them till she hear a car speed off. Running to her truck bringing it closer. Anne heads back in grabbing the dead body throwing it into the trunk picking up two of the gas tanks.

Sasha was sitting in a meeting with the northern company of the family and they are lead Beatrix. Grime and Beatrix were talking about supplies, money, reports, and some Gala comming up.

"Sasha." She looked at Grime. "The Gala is in three months and the other two groups will be there."

"We need to decide on who will be going. I can not because I don't have as much restraint as Grimothy."

"So far it will be you and me. It will most likely stay that way."

"Who is hosting it if I may ask."

"The Newts." Sasha nodded and was dismissed.

Lol action scenes ain't my thing

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