Secretes Out

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"Anne what happened to your face!" Marcy and Sasha said in unison. Marcy grabbed the others face looking at the damage. Sasha takes his bag off the goes though it.

"Tennis practice I wasn't paying attention." The Thai girl grabbed her friends hands and moved them away from her face.

"What were you doing then?" Sasha comes up with foundation/concealer and started to apply it to the others face.

"Wondering if we have chemistry." Winking at her friends.

Sasha paused for a second. "So you have a test in chem and you haven't been studying?"

"I have that class befor you I could give you the answers."

"Mar-mar last time we did that I got caught."

"Then don't get caught!"

"Why are you guys so you in sync today?" They shrug and step back from Anne.

After school the trio meet outside of the buliding. "So Anne-banan how was the test?"

"The multi choice questions were easy but the writing portion." She shivered.

"You're welcome." Marcy started to walk away.

"Thank you."

"We still sleeping over at your house Marcy?"


The trio continued their walk to Mercy's house only stopping at a Dollar General for snacks and drinks.

Once at Marcy's the trio run to her room and jumped onto her bed. It wasn't even a minute later when all there phones stared going off with notifications, out of instinct they all turn off their phones.

'Well where is it?' Umbrage voice came from the tv.

There was a crash from downstairs and yelling. The friends looked at each other Sasha wispering. "What the fuck was that?"

Anne got up and grabbed her bag pulling out her tennis racket. Sasha grabbed one of Marcy's first place trophies for a science fair. Marcy got her stick she use to use as a staff. As they made their way down the voices became easier to hear.

"Yunnan it's nothing to worry about."

"Olivia they always answer their phone it is something to worry about!"

After hearing these names the other two froze as Marcy ran the rest of the way down the stairs.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Marcy rasied their voice at the intruders.

Anne and Sasha stayed at the bottom of the stairs looking at the two women that although they have never met tgey knew from pictures and almost encounters with them. Lady Olivia the right hand to the unknown leader of the Newts. Yunnan the voice and power house of their operations. Both in Marcy's living room talking to them considered about thier safety.

Sasha was the first to escape from his trance. "Marcy?" The shortest of the group faced her while the adults finally saw they weren't alone.

"Yes Sash?" The look in Marcy eyes was filled with worry and fear.

"Are you part of the Ne-" someone new burst though the open door.

"ANNE!" It was a boy not to much younger then the trio. He looked around the room and ran out yelling. "POLLY GET HOP POP AN FROBO!"

That interruption seemed to bring Anne back to reality. "Fucking shit." The girl ran to the door and yelled out. "YOU DON'T NEED TO!"

"Wait Anne you're a part of the Wooden bog?" Anne slowly turned vack to her friends an smiled.

"I mean you're a part of the Royal Bolds."

The all stood their in silence Olivia broke it with a cough. "If you are Anne you must be Sasha Waybright." She motioned to the blonde who was on the phone now.

"Percy tell him I'm fine an to not look for me there is already to much going on righy now!... okay thanks bye." He looked at Yunnan never takeing his eyes off of her as he grabbed Marcy by the waist and slowly walked back. "Yes I am," She looked around for Anne seeing her running back to the house. "and I think Marcy, me, and Anne need to have a conversation a lone."

The two women looked at the blond the back at Marcy who gave them a small wave as Anne stood at the door. Right after Anne closed the door Sasha let go of Marcy truning them arond making them face each other.



"Yes but you first!" Anne walked over to her friends and pulled Marcy away.

"Calm down Sash, why are you even worried?"

"ITS A FUCKING GANG THAT MARCY IS IN AND THEY ARE SMOL!" He gestures at Mercy's small frame being held by the other. "Don't even get me started on you. You have no back bone an agree to pretty much everything!"


"I'm not wrong!" There was a knock on the door left Sasha answered it. "Don't even try to change the subject when I get back..." He slamed the door shut.

"Who was that?"

"No one."

"Waybright open the door!" A deep voice on the other side of the door yelled.

Marcy and Anne went to the door Anne pulling Sasha away while Marcy opened it. "Hi sorr..." Marcy slammed the door pointing at Sasha.

"YOU HYPOCRITE!" Anne's arm was being bitten by the blonde trying to escape and look up at Marcy.

The door opened a crack and Grime's head poked though. "Am I interrupting something?" They all slowly looked at the older man.

"Okay... um have fun son." Grime closed the door.

Sasha was let go of and everyone sat in the nearby living room.

They all sat in silence for what felt like hours but was most likely only seconds. Prossesing, analyzing, and planning how to approach what has happened in the past 15 minutes.

Gonna try to up date this weekly have a nice day/night

Bonds you can't Breakजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें