Enjoying it While They can

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"Yes Marcy?" Anne took a sip of water.

"When does your tennis practice end."

"Another half hour sweetheart."

"UGH!" Marcy threw themself onto the ground. "I want Smash you and Sashy!"

Anne's face was set ablaze. "Did you ask them?"

"YEAH!" The sapphic sat up. "He said we can play Smash at your house since we are gonna study and stay the night."

"Oh... cool." Anne waved and ran back to practice.

Sasha was sneaking up behind Marcy and kissed them on the cheek. "Hey girlfriend."

"Hello lovely." Marcy took Sasha's hand and kissed her knuckles.

"How's the college search going?"

"Eh, I haven't found any that are interesting. I'm think if just becoming a web comic author."

"Really now?"

"Yeah no dept, no classes, and I make people cry!"

"Who knew little Mar-mar could be mean."


"I'd like to see you try."

"Challenge accepted bitch." Marcy pulls out a note book and pencil an starts to scribble away.

Sasha snickered and layed down in the grass.

Sasha was woken up by someone trying there best to wisper. "-the side Mar."

Marcy pulled out Annes house keys unlocking the door soon after. Letting Anne in who was giving the 'sleeping' blond a piggy back ride. Poor Marcy was carrying there and the blonds bags.

"I'll go set up my switch in your room."

"K. Wait what about Sash." It was to late the ners was already gone. Anne sat on the edge of the couch slowly putting her friend down the left to go feed Domino.

The soldier lifted themself up and watch Anne baby the cat.

"If you keep treating her like that you'll end up with a cat sleeping on your face."

Anne flinched then turned around pointing at the other. "I already have one that falls asleep an I end up carrying home."

Gaybright got off the couch and ran up stairs before the other could see her face. "Hey Marszzzz."

"OH Cool your awake." They set up another controller.

Anne followed not long after that night was full of competitiveness, zero studies done, and laughing. Little did the three know it would be the last they would see each other for more then a couple of seconds for a while.

Sorry it's a bit shorter... nvm i checked the word count on the others a lot shorter imma try to get the next chapter done soon.

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