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It had been a week since the training had started the trio wanted to hangout but for some it was a part of there training to stay away. The three gems are powered though emotions and other things such as willingness for change or accepting that things will change.

Heart it's powered solely though the strong emotions of the user. Anne had learned quickly that she could use her powers best when anger boiled, tears flowed, and loneliness set in.

Strength is powered by the emotions that come with wanting to prove oneself and accepting the change that comes with. Sasha was doing exceptional with his training until he realized that his friends were distancing themselves and he couldn't muster up a reason to ask why.

Brain is like a teacher in the fact that it activates most when it's user is frustrated or when they need to accept the truth. Marcy was having trouble with there training from the beginning but when they got frustrated the powers activated for the first time and they were happy only for a second. The gem had showed them the future all they knew is that something hurt them, betrayal, and that they lost something precious. After that Marcy didn't dare touch the gem saying they wanted to research the people who had used it in the past. Thats what they didn't for just a day all the found three names Andrias, Leif, Barrel.

The coming weeks were just training, work, school, more training, sleep, and repeat. There wasn't any change for Sasha that was what she was telling herself. His training was with this huge magic rock golem thing that increased gravity as time went on in the room. She had gotten used to it quickly that was until he had to start moving, then working out, and finally fighting the golem. You'd think it would be easy right hell no it may be huge and bulky but it sure as hell can move fast.

Marcy was just having fun at this point in there training it was easy to use the power of the gem after figureing out they just needed to have the determination to do what they wanted. The gem was in the earring they had chosen in the first day they made it a clip on but it was still cool. They also noticed at sometimes they had more control and were stronger then before but it never lasted forever.

Anne was starting the third stage of training. That's what Hop Pop said the day before and oh boy was this was not fun. Anne had to use the gem to make weapons which was hard to do as they had set up distractions. What are the directions you may be asking there kittens just everywhere. Anne couldn't pet, cuddle, or baby them unless she was able to make a weapon and hold it for ten minutes.

It was a week befor the gala and prom both the same fucking night. Yes they could just not go to prom but it would be there last highschool dance so they'd just have to leave early. The trio were stressed about both and having a date for one. But one thing at a time right? WRONG! Sasha recently had to buy new clothes because of the muscle growth that had happened. Grime said he'd had already gotten their suits and to Sasha his sense of fashion was that of an embarrassing dad. He also needed to ask Anne and Marcy to prom befor some rando does. Anne was at a tailor getting fitted for a suit while her parents left to get prom gifts for Sasha and Marcy both getting one for there favorite. While thinking of an item for the gem to be in. Marcy was laying face down on the ground with many different crumpled up love confessions to there closest friends. In there closet was both of there bad ass moms prom dress and suit somehow the suit fit almost perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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