Chapter five

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She seems nice," Katie said from the couch, when Jimmy walked in.
"Yes she is" he replied sitting on the couch adjacent to hers.
"I like her already".
"Katie, you like everyone," said Jimmy to his sister. They both laughed.
"Not Everyone, I hate you". She said, crossing her legs.
"Well, you're a bum", Jimmy said, throwing Katie a pillow.

Katie grabbed the pillow and threw it back at Jimmy, they both sat in silence. Katie's mind kept going back to hugging Avery and the feelings she experienced at such a simple gesture, she wondered how paralyzed she would feel if Avery touched other parts of her body.
Katie is a closet gay, who just ended a relationship two months ago. No one in her family knows about her sexuality and she plans to keep it that way for as long as she can. Although her family loves and adores her, they can be judgemental at times and she wasn't ready to be on the chopping board yet.

" How often does she visit? Katie asked, breaking the silence.
"Who?" Jimmy asked absent-mindedly.
"Avery Of course, who else comes to visit you?".
"He guffawed, no one sissy, just her". "Why do you ask?".
"Nothing, so how often does she visit".
"Very often," he said.
"Everyday?'' Katie asked with wide eyes.
"Yea, schools are on holiday and she gets bored staying home alone, so she spends time with me". Jimmy concluded.
"No sibling?" Katie asked
"Just one, she has a sister who is rarely home".
" It will be fun getting to know her, Katie said.
"Yes, she's a free spirit". Jimmy said.

Katie and Avery became friends sooner than they expected, they enjoyed each other's company. They do things together cooking,shopping, and gossiping like they have known each other all through their life. Avery even introduced Katie to Laura and Gracie. Although they pretended to like her, Katie knew instantly that they did not appreciate her company.

"Welcome to my home," Avery said, welcoming Katie to her parents house.
"Thanks Aves." Katie said, stepping into Avery's house.
"You have a beautiful home," Katie commented.
"Stop being modest, I have seen pictures of your home, and this is nowhere close to it" Avery said.
"Merit of being a part-time interior designer," Katie said, smiling.
"Come on in", Avery said, holding her hand.
Katie followed her like a lamb to a slaughter house.

"Hey mom, hi dad" Avery greeted her parents.
"Hey baby, Avery's dad replied without looking up from his phone.
"Meet my friend from school , Katie".
"Hello," Katie said, gesturing with her hands.
"Hi Katie, how are you?" Avery's mom inquired.
" I'm fine, thank you, ma'am.
"We will be in my room, see you later," Avery said, grabbing snacks and drinks From the fridge and heading towards her room.
"Okay baby".

"Your friend from school? Katie asked Avery immediately they entered Avery's room.
"Yea, you are my friend right?. Sit. Avery said, pointing to her bed.
"Your friend? Yes, but definitely not from school." Katie commented.
"My bad" Avery said, changing her clothes to a more comfortable home outfit.
"Does your parents even know about my brother, '' Katie asked after a moment of silence.
"Okay look", Avery said, squatting in front of Katie and holding her legs. "My family is very religious and somewhat judgy, and they would never welcome the idea of a boyfriend".
"So they don't want you having a boyfriend?" Katie asked, surprised.
"Yea, the idea of a boyfriend repels them. Avery said getting up from her position
"Woah, and I thought my family was the king of judgement."
" It's not that big of a deal, everyone has a secret, they don't want to come to light, we'll at least not to their beloved family." Avery admitted.
" I have a secret too, and I'm not ready to share it with my family, and it's killing me", said Katie bitterly
"Want to share with me?" Avery asked, filling her mouth with chips.
"Naaah, you are my brother's girlfriend, sharing such secrets with you is risky".
"Okay," Avery said, shrugging.
" You are a grown ass woman,you should be able to tell your parents about your romantic relationship, '' Katie advised.
"I still have time".
"This is 2022, 15 year old kids have boyfriends". Katie said, annoyed.
"Let's just say, they think their little not so little girl is a virgin, '' Avery said smiling.
"Are you?" Katie asked, looking her in the face.
"Girl, I'm almost 22, what do you think?" Avery replied with disgust.
" Are you sure you want to know what I think?" Katie asked sceptically.
"Yea, sure, hit me with the truth bomb".
Well, I know you are far from being a virgin, and I also know that you are a flirtatious little bitch.
"Whatttt, me, never" Avery said, placing her hand on her chest in mocking shock.
"Girl, I have seen your browser history, and it's scary".
"Profiling me based on my browser history, classic king" Avery said, shaking her head.

"I feel so relaxed around you," Katie said after a moment of silence.
"Same here girl". "Do you wanna tell your secret?" Avery asked, holding Katie's hand.
"Nope, I'm good, Katie said, withdrawing from Avery and grabbing a drink.
"Fine! Whenever you are ready, I'm here for you".

They sat in silence munching on chips and watching a comedy show on Tv. Katie couldn't focus, her mind wasn't at peace. She was watching the show, but couldn't focus, she kept stealing glances at Avery, wondering if it would be wise to approach her. If Avery tells her brother, then it's game over for her.

"I'm gay", she blurted.
"I'm gay, but no one in my family knows, it will kill my mom if she finds out".
"That's your big secret?" Avery asked, scoffing.
"Yesss". Katie replied.
"Girl I knew that already, I could tell from your flirty attitude towards me".
Wait, what?. How long have you known? Katie asked, confused.
"Since the very day we met.
"Are you...?
"Bi? yes, '' Avery replied, cutting her short.
"You are bisexual? Katie asked in shock.
" yes" '' she replied, nodding her head.
"Does Jimmy know about your sexuality?"
"to be honest, I'm still figuring out my sexuality, one thing I'm sure of is the fact that I'm with the LGBTQ family". "So No, he doesn't know about out it and he doesn't have to know"
"Why, he's my brother, he needs to know this" Katie said hysterically
" does he" Avery asked curtly
"Yes he does, he has the right to.
"Trust me he doesn't need to know about this or any other thing that goes on between us" Avery said leaning in closely to touch Katie's boobs.
Katie hit Avery's hand off her boobs and stood up.
"What the hell Aves?",
"Look, I know you want this, you can't deny it, '' Avery said standing up.

Avery moves close to Katie, and makes attempts to unbutton her shirt.

"You want this Katie" she whispered to her ear.
"No I don't" Katie interjected.
"I read your diary K, I know you want me badly" Avery whispered licking Katie's earlobes.
"But Jimmy....
"Don't have to know, this could be our secret Katie, just you and I", she said, taking off her shirt.
"But I love him,'' Katie said in slow whispers.
I love him too Katie, but this ain't about him, this is our moment just you and I" Avery said kissing her.

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