Not Even the Beginning

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Midoriya smiled at the young adult in front of him, "How is the new apartment near the countryside?"

"It's quiet. But the neighbors are really nice to me," Kiyotaka replied.

Kiyotaka, also known as Mustard, had gone under a small-scale form of reformation that had been approved because of the larger scale reform group's successes. This smaller scale form of reformation was helping out lower rank villains and other one-time villain to help them get back into society.

With Midoriya and a few other approved therapists, they were slowly making their way into truly helping villains reform and change for the better.

Midoriya set his sights on doing the more 'easier' or lower rank villains who were young like Mustard and had potential to be good.

Mustard's sessions took place over two months of weekly sessions until he could truly accept the idea of moving back into society. From Midoriya's notes, he could tell that the young adult was an outcast due to his background with his toxic gas quirk affecting his ability to form close relationships. After reflecting with Mustard, their sessions eventually got better with Mustard opening up even more, and deciding to try again at making better bonds with people.

It all began with a small trial with the same judge as the other reforms to guide Mustard into his new life. Midoriya helped him pick out an apartment farther away from the city where he could do his community service and try out new friendships with the locals.

Kiyotaka couldn't stop smiling while he talked about the locals he came across, his eyes looked more alive as he gushed about the people that were slowly becoming his friends. And with the requested quirk suppression bracelet, his quirk wouldn't go out of control.

With a smile and a wave, Midoriya bid farewell to the young adult who was excited about their new life. Kiyotaka exited his office with a bright grin on his face. Midoriya signed off on Kiyotaka's form right as a notification from his office computer popped up.

Curious, he stood up from the couch and made his way over to his office desk that had a singular laptop waiting for him with a small pile of paper off to the side with different colored tabs poking out from within.

Midoriya opened up his email to see the request waiting for him in his inbox.


Midoriya Izuku, we request your help on what might be the final large-scale reformation regarding the Meta Liberation Army. Many of the smaller followers have been taking the sessions with several therapists in our more smaller-scale groups. So we thought the best course of action would be to reform the bigger players of the MLA. Please take your time to consider this suggestion. The top members aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Please reply when convenient.'

Midoriya breathed in through his mouth and out through his nose. "I don't have time for that. And wow, they are always on time with the bi-yearly question."

On one hand, if he does it, it would be the last one he would ever do. On the other hand, he doesn't know if he actually wants to do it. He deserves a little longer break.

Speaking of a longer break, it was time for his session with All for One.

He ignored his email window as he packed up his notebook to go visit Tartarus for the criminal overlord waiting to tell him about his young adult days.


"So I offer to trade their quirks for one of my own. And of course, they take the deal," All for One gestured with little nods of his head. "One thing leads to the other and now I have every single record that they had in their little store."

"Did they go out of business?" Midoriya questioned form the other side of the clear window.

All for One waved off his concern by shifting to the side, "They got a new job afterwards working for me during that time. So they weren't unemployed and pushed to the side."

"What happened to all of the records?" Izuku asked, trying to understand just how many music records could fit into the store. "There must have been hundreds."

"Ah, there were about 658 records. And they even had different models of the record players that came into my possession as well. I still have them locked away," All for One grinned at him. "Remember when I told you about the little treasure hoard I have. It's in that."

"Right. So the records are with the other statues, paintings, books, comic books, and toys—"

"There were action figures," All for One interrupted. "Plus, if they were as popular as they were back in my day, it would make anyone a millionaire from the collection I have. They are all in mint condition, no damage and in their boxes still."

"Is this the same hoard filled with weapons?" Midoriya asked curiously watching the villain shake his head.

"No, no. That's the armory hoard. It's a completely separate thing from my persona treasure hoard," All for One explained. "Either way, the two rooms are safely secured still since I found no mention of any of the heroes coming across it."

Midoriya blinked lazily and plucked his phone out of his shirt pocket. He clicked the power button on the side to check the time that appeared on the home screen, "I might have to head on home, it's getting a little later than I expected."

"Oh, can't you stay for a little longer?" All for One protested from the other side of the window, for a villain tied down and surrounded by guns, he still looked unbothered. "I was just getting to the gritty details of my late twenties."

"Maybe next time," Midoriya answered back as he walked to the door. He leaned his head back while he mumbled, "I'm tired."

"Bye tired," All for One cheekily replied from behind the widow. "I'm Dad."

"Alright," Midoriya yawned and waved back at the criminal before shutting the door behind him. He popped his lips together and stretched out his limbs only to freeze in position.

He slowly turned his head back to the door, ignoring the worried look of the guards standing by. Midoriya opened the door again only to see All for One in the same position with an open mouth. Like he was stunned that the words came out of him as much as Izuku did.

"What the hell did you just say?"

And when he heard All for One chuckle, he had a feeling that he had no idea what was to come.

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now