The Trial

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The trial was scheduled later than any other reform program that happened previously. It was regularly about a week for the last two programs. But Aizawa was clear when he said that people didn't take too kindly to the fact that Re-Destro set out to destroy the house and possibly murder him.

For that reason, they pushed back the date of the trial to gather more intel as well as give Izuku more time with the four members to see if they were truly ready for the commitment of change. So instead of at the end of the week, the trial was scheduled at the very end of the month which was two and a half weeks away.

So with the extra time, Midoriya wasn't surprised to see the members making use of that time to return to talk with him.

Geten talked with him a bit in the kitchen while he prepared a light breakfast for everyone. He just wanted to discuss any possible options he had in the incoming future.

That day, Geten watched him cutting up the frozen fruit and putting it into the mixer. Then he waited until he was about to press the button to start the machine to start talking. Geten said, "Could I get a job with something invoking ice?"

"Hmm. I think so. There are jobs like ice sculptures and possibly something like the food industry," Midoriya explained to the white haired man. Wow, he had long eyelashes especially in the bright lights of the kitchen. "You can talk with Shimura about finding a job that will allow you to get a license to use your quirk. I'm sure there's an ice sculpture business who would want your skills."

"I feel like that could be good for me because I have nothing else I feel particularly interested in." Geten relaxed onto the kitchen counter table with his eyes fixed on the empty bowl. "If it doesn't work, business could be the second option.

Izuku started the machine then walked closer to Geten so he could hear him. "I know it might be hard to find options for the future. But taking it one step at a time is more helpful than you might think. And I'm sure you will find your place sooner than you think."

Geten watched him as he returned his attention back to the freshly made fruit smoothie.

Kizuki was set on what she wanted out of her life as soon as she was out of the house. She talked with Shimura most of the time about using her degree for something else under the umbrella whether it be something with freelance or designing.

Hanabata cornered him after lunch one day to pace around his office.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Hanabata questioned as he passed by him, circling around his chair then back again. "This is a good idea, right? I'm not going to mess up?"

"You'll do fine," Midoriya replied with ease.

Hanabata tutted. "What happens if I don't do fine?"

"The I can make sure that there is an option for you to reschedule or hold back on the official reform," Midoriya reassured as the man started to slow down in his pacing. You don't have to rush yourself into this if you feel like you're not ready."

"I just—do you think I can actually make it out there?" Hanabata asked

"I'm sure of it," Midoriya nodded. "And if you ever find yourself struggling, no matter what the situation is, just contact me and I'll help you."

"I... I really want to try motivational speeches again even if it's just a side job or hobby."

"That's great to hear," Midoriya commented.

"Yeah. I just have to remember what you told me," Hanabata nervously chuckled. Midoriya watched his stance relax a bit. "The advice about not letting others dictate my enjoyment of it."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now