Housing... 🦁🐦🐍🦡

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After everyone had gotten off of the boats safely without any incidents, the first-year students made their way into the school's entryway. Once they passed through the main grand doors, they were greeted by Ms. McGonagall. She informs them to follow her and they did so, they begin to walk up multiple flights of stairs, eventually, they made it to the third floor of Hogwarts. They all stopped in front of a grand door where McGonagall stood in front of with her hands over her navel. "Welcome to Hogwarts," Ms. McGonagall says with a caring low baritone voice, "Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. Before you could take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, you're house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is rewarded the house cup." Before McGonagall could finish, a boy around Mirabel's age screamed the name: 


Mirabel looks down at the steps and sees a dark brown frog on the steps. She pulls out her wand and says, "Wingardium Leviosa." With the waves of her wand, the frog 'Trevor' was engulfed in a blue glow and was lifted off of the ground. Mirabel guide the floating frog towards the boy that shouted the frog's name. The boy grabs the frog from the air and released a sigh of relief. Both Mirabel and the boy look at McGonagall with somewhat worried expressions on their faces. Mirabel waves at McGonagall and says, "Sorry." 

McGonagall continued, "The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily." She then walks over to the doors behind her, leaving the students to talk amongst each other. 

Suddenly, a boy in the first years speaks out causing everyone to turn towards the boy, including Mirabel and her female friends. Mirabel turns her head and sees a boy her age, with light pale skin, and silver color eyes, he also has white-blond hair with jell keeping the hair swooshed to the back. Behind the boy's left and right sides were two heavy-looking boys with hair either curly or flat at the front of the hair. "It's true then," Mirabel tilts her head to the right, "what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Every one started murmuring and whispering to each other. Mirabel then asks the boy drawing everyone's attention from Harry to her, "And you are?"

The boy smiles and answers, everyone's attention turns back to the boy, "The names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco points to the boys behind him and calls out their names, "This Crabb," the brown-haired boy with straight front hair. "And Goyle." The second brown-haired boy with front curly hair. Draco then walks up in front of Harry, one stair step ahead of him causing Draco to look down at Harry. Draco then tells Harry, "Remember: the name's Draco Malfoy, Potter." Hearing Draco says his name again caused Ron to chuckle a little which drew his attention to Draco.

Draco was about to insult Ron, but Mirabel decides to step in before any insults were made. Mirabel says, "It is only the first day that we arrived, Malfoy. Can't this wait until we're all sorted out?" 

Draco didn't take Mirabel's suggestion, instead, he brushes it off. Draco turns his attention back to Harry and says, "You'll soon find out that there are some wizarding families that are better than others Potter. You don't want to make friends with the wrong sort." He says as he looks at both; Mirabel and Ron. Draco knows that Ron is part of the Weasley family, because of how Ron's school uniform looks worn out because of all of the hand-me-downs in the family. While Mirabel does not know anything about Mirabel, because of this lack of information he thinks that Mirabel is a muggle who doesn't know anything about magic. Draco looks back at Harry and presented his hand out to Harry and says "I can help you out there."

Before Harry could say anything, McGonagall taps on Draco's shoulder causing him to turn his head back slightly and sees McGonagall stand behind him. Draco looks at Harry as he says to Draco, "I think I'll tell their sort for myself, thanks." Draco walks back to his spot in anger and disappointment that Harry did not take his offer. 

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