A Letter from... Him, to make friends with a snake

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"Dear Belle... it's me your papa, I have something to tell you...
I know that we haven't talked or seen each other in a long time but there is so much that I want to tell you. Unfortunately, I can't at the moment but what I can tell you is two things; He is coming, you never met him, but you have met his pawn, and the negotiator. Finally, what I'm about to say is the most important thing to what I have to say; I need you to befriend Draco Malfoy. I can't explain much right now---"


Mirabel didn't read the rest of the letter, she crumbled the letter into a paper ball in anger at what her father had to say. For six years she never sends her any kind of letter. For six years there was no word from him, she didn't even know if he was alive or dead. "The nerve of him..." Mirabel says in anger as his right-hand balls up into a fist while still holding the crumbled-up paper. "Instead of telling me that he was alright or any of that, he has the nerve to give me vague information. And he has las pelotas en esta rata de hombre." Her right hand suddenly becomes lit with fire causing the crumbled-up to burn up. She stumps her left foot down onto the ground in anger and walks back to her dorm room to cool off which came with her slamming the door to close creating a loud bam sound. 

Luna and Cho look at each other before jumping up slightly in fear as everyone hears her screaming in anger. 

"Te odio!"


Two months later... 

It has been two months since Mirabel received that letter from her father, and during that period, Mirabel has been in the badest of moods. No one in any of the houses dared to talk to her at all. Not even her friends had the courage to say a word to her, they thought that she needed the space after getting a letter from her father who disappeared without a word. However, despite her bad mood she still kept up with her studies, the teachers, however, were concerned, well more than others about Mirabel's mood. McGonagall tried her best to talk to Mirabel about her feelings, but that seemed to be in vain as she was stubborn to open up to her. 

Right now, Mirabel didn't care that anyone was avoiding her for any reason. Right now, she was still mad that her father had the absolute nerve to send her a letter after all of this time that he's been away. 

Currently, Mirabel was in the library looking over some books to help out Ron and Harry. Not too long ago, Mirabel remembers that she was going to help out the two or three if Hermione was still going like a stuck-up kid, for history. She felt quite bad that she didn't get around to looking through her notes for Nickolas Fammel. As she was looking through her notes, she notices that there were mentions of Nickolas Fammel but she didn't write anything about him. 

Mirabel suddenly feels as if someone was watching her and looks around to see if she spots the person that is watching her from somewhere. 

As she looks around, she sees Sophia McClain on the second floor of the library in the far right corner, leaning on the railing, watching Mirabel while also giving her a stink eye. Mirabel looks back at Sophia while also giving her the stink eye. 

The two girls had a stink eye stare down. 

Surprisingly their stare-down went on for five minutes. 

The two were ready to blink. At first, Sophia came in strong with her stink eye and so did Mirabel but after a few minutes. Sophia's mean and angry face went to a child who is waiting to use the bathroom kind of face. 

The concentration ended when a pile of books was slammed onto the table which caused a loud thud to be echoed throughout the library and broke Mirabel's concentration. Mirabel looks up to see who the student or teacher was responsible for slamming the books onto the table.

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