Chapter 2

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I lean against my car, finishing smoking my cigarette as I watch Alessia drive through the gates. I did indeed leave before she was ready, she knows me too well.
She revs her engine as she pulls up next to me and gets out of her car. Her black Nissan skyline r34 is her prized possession.

I almost choke on my cigarette when I fully see her, she's wearing low rise cargo pants and a black short sleeve crop top with Air Jordan's. Alessia is gorgeous...too gorgeous.
I don't think she even realizes the amount of men that stare at her with lust and practically drool over her presence.

Her long black silky straight hair I want to wrap around my fist. And her flat toned stomach I want to run my tongue along.

Alessia and I are complicated. We've hooked up before but we are just friends, well at least that's what she thinks. I make sure that everyone knows she's mine even though she denies it, it's been that way since we were kids.

We go to the same school and even though we aren't in the same grade, we still see each other there a lot. The amount of times I've heard guys in my class talk about Alessia makes my knuckles clench. They talk about her like they know her, no one will ever know her like I do, both mentally and physically.

"I see you didn't bother listening to me" she says annoyed with me.

"Sorry baby, you take too long"

She rolls her eyes at the nickname and shoves my chest slightly.

Out the corner of my eye I see a guy walk up to us. Jay Conners.

There's a lot of people I hate in this world and he's high up on that list. He never shuts the fuck up and is always running his mouth about something or someone.

"Alessia Bianchi, it's a pleasure to meet you finally. I've heard so many things about you and your love for racing but I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."

"Yeah, thanks" she responds, being bored.

I smirk at the look on Jays face. By the looks of it he didn't expect her to say that.
He awkwardly shifts when he realizes that Alessia won't be interested anytime soon and walks away from us.

"When does this race start?  I'm bored and I'm cold and I'm starting to regret coming since I can't even race for the next few weeks" Alessia hurries.

Alessia's car that she races with is falling apart to say the least. One thing got fixed for another part to be an issue. She doesn't usually stress about it though since her dad can fix it.

"It'll start any minute now we're just waiting for the all clear on the radios. Don't want the coppers showing up" I reply.

"How about you go get front near the gate so you can cheer me on" I smirk as I grab her hip with one hand.
She looks up at me and grabs my neck, pulling me down to her. I feel her lips on my ear and shiver.

"Good luck" she whispers, before walking away and leaving me there staring at her looking like an idiot while she finds a spot so she can see the race.
I hate myself for reacting like that to such a small thing.

A guy in a dirty polo top shouts from the top of his car.

"All clear from west end, we are good to go!"

I get back into my car and pull up to the start line next to my four opponents. I feel calm, I don't feel nervous for races anymore.
I grip my steering wheel as the crowd gathered around us cheers loudly. The announcer starts counting down and I wait for the flag to drop as I try to get a certain brown eyed girl out of my head.


I'm pushed up against the temporary barricade as I watch the girl wave the flag as the signal to go. All cars race past us leaving smoke in the air.

I knew Noah had this. Everyone gets in their cars and takes the short cut to where the finish line is, waiting for them to fly around that corner any minute now.

I smile big when I notice Noah's black Camaro in the lead and cheer loudly as he crosses the finish line.
The other opponents far behind.

Noah gets out of his car and the crowd swarms him, girls looking love struck over him while the guys pat his back and do their handshake.
He spots me standing back and motions for me to come over.

"Back up everyone, Important short person coming through" he says and I laugh while smacking him on the side of the head.

He pulls me close once I'm next to him and i wrap my arms around his waist.

He leans down and whispers in my ear

"Do I get my trophy now?" While kissing the side of my neck.

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