Chapter 7

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It was hot in here, the party was loud and everyone was letting loose, forgetting about their problems, which was just what I liked. Lane and I had been drinking and dancing for a while now and his hands were exploring every part of my body as 'Bleed the freak' by Alice in Chains, filled my ears. 

I could feel eyes watching me and have felt it for the past 10 minutes. I knew Noah was here, but for once in my life, I didn't care. As Lane ran his hands down by body from behind me, I look to my left and see Noah glaring at us as he leaned against the wooden doorframe, drinking. I smirked at him and winked as I saw his jaw clench in anger.
The only thing I felt when I looked at Noah was anger, I couldn't shake off what he said. I covered up my anger and focused back onto Lane, using him as my distraction. While I knew Noah was still staring I grasped the back of Lane's neck and pulled him down until our lips touched. He responded right away, moving his lips against mine in a fight to be the one to take control. As I pulled away I looked back over my shoulder to notice that Noah was now gone, nowhere to be seen.

After dancing for a bit longer I decided to take a break and told Lane to stay put as I went to find the bathroom. I was feeling a bit tipsy and way too sweaty to be around dancing people at the moment. As I make my way slightly tumbling up the stairs, I open the first door I see hoping it was the bathroom.
What I saw next made the my insides churn and my heart drop. Noah was on top of a girl making out in someone's bedroom. It was more than making out, if I had come up here 30 seconds later I would've walked in on them hooking up. Clothes were scattered on the floor as I looked around trying to get myself to walk away but my legs wouldn't move.

Noah finally noticed that I had opened the door and was standing there watching them. He jumped back as he realized it was me. I shook my head as my eyes burned with tears as I refused to let them out. I turn away and close the door behind me before he has the chance to say anything. I all of a sudden feel stone cold sober at the realisation of what just happened.

What the fuck?

Was this some sort of revenge? I was never going to sleep with Lane but here Noah was, sucking on a girls neck like a leech. I felt sick and angry, I needed to get out of here without Lane seeing me. The last thing I needed was him asking questions and bothering me.

"Alessia wait!" Noah shouts out behind me.

I turn around and see him running down the stairs, fully clothed but his pants were on backwards.
I run out the front door of the house before he has a chance to stop me. As my feet hit the cold grass I come to realisation.

Shit, I didn't drive here.

I came here with Lane and there was no way in hell I was going back into that party looking for him. He was too wasted to drive anyway. As I'm looking around I see a guy leaning against a brick wall, smoking what seems to be a joint. Seems friendly enough, right?

"Can I help you" he grumbles out when he sees me staring.

"Mind if I borrow that?" I ask batting my eyelashes at him, nodding towards the joint.

He looks down at me for what seems like a long time, as if he's trying to analyse me. He hands me the joint and turns to face me.

"What's a girl like you doing out here? You know the parties inside right?" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Yeah well, I've had a shitty night. Well day, actually" I tell him.

"What's your problem? daddy didn't buy you the purse you wanted?" his gruff laugh bellows out.


"Fuck off before I shove this joint up your ass" I threaten, looking him in the eyes.

Now that I had a good view of his face, my breathing felt shallow. He had a buzz cut and multiple tattoos down his arms. What also caught my attention was the major black eye he was sporting.

"Wow, never heard that before" he responded to my threat.
"I'm Lucas" he introduces himself, taking the joint back from me.

He looks at me again when I don't respond.

"Your not going to tell me your name?" He asks

"Nope, but I do need a ride home" I replied in a snarky manner

He laughs and shakes his head at my attitude.

"Fine, I was about to leave anyway" he drops the joint and steps on it.


Fuck, where the hell is she?

I'd looked around the house at least three time and I was getting frustrated. I looked around the party scanning my eyes over the big group of people. I spot Lane standing in the corner talking to a group of guys from our school.

"Hey! Where the fuck is Alessia?" I shout at him, grabbing his collar.

"How the fuck should I know, I was looking for her for ages. Why do you care anyway? Fuck off. "
He shouts back. He was definitely drunk, I was about to walk off before he grabbed the back of my shirt pulling me back to him.

"Hey we aren't done here!" He demanded

"You better back off before I make you" I say, getting in his face.

"What are you going to do? From what I've seen your all bark no bite" he yelled

I was also a little drunk. But I felt the anger pumping inside me and my heart racing. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and felt my fist clench.

I swung my fist at his face and he staggered back. I took this as an opportunity to get on top and start pounding my fist in his face. He managed to free his hand and shoot his fist right into my jaw.

I tasted blood in my mouth and I felt my knuckles throbbing with an aching pain.

Lane took his opportunity and used it to get back on his feet. I look around at the crowd of people gathered around us, their phones shoved in our faces, recording our fight.

I want to groan as I know the videos will be sent around for everyone to see.

My probation officer was going to kill me.

Little bit of AIC appreciation.
RIP Layne Staley
Will always be one of my favourite bands.

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