Chapter 8

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Two years ago...

I shifted gears as I drifted around the tight turn, my heart racing and I loved the feeling, I felt so alive.
I see 2 cars behind me looking like they are about to rear end me. They slowed down at the turns, they know they can't drift in muscle cars, too heavy.
I shift into 6th gear and slam my foot down on the gas, speeding up. One of the cars that was behind me was catching up quick, too quick.

Fuck! what do I do?!

I had a lot of money on the line here.  I had to do what I did best.
Play dirty.
I make the irrational decision and swerve into their car, making everything jolt and they slow down. I take my chance and speed off even faster which meant I was back in the lead. My adrenaline was pumping but I couldn't ignore the twinge of fear that set in my body. I was driving fast and any wrong move could send my car rolling off the track, with me inside.

I look in my rear view mirror and see the same car catching up again and this time they are pissed.
Once we are parallel on the track, their car swerved right into mine with way more force than I had used.
My car faltered for a second but it was too late, their car was ahead of mine. I sped up and gained some speed,
I was so close, yet so far.
My anxiety was radiating off my body like waves and I knew that if I didn't do something now, that would be the end of it and I'd lose a lot of money.
Once close enough I read end the back of the white Shelby. I watched in slow motion as the car went sending off the track into near by trees and flipped.
I slammed the brakes and ran out of the car, rushing towards the scene.
There were already a crowd of people surrounding the wrecked car and I pushed my way through.

Once I got close enough I knew it was bad. There was blood everywhere along with broken shards of glass.
I kneel down and look threw the car window seeing if the person was conscious.


Before the race I didn't bother asking who my opponents were and didn't see them on the track due to 'highly illegal' tinted windows.
I knew this guy, Alex Jackson.
I remember seeing him at races before and had talked to him a few times, he was a good guy.
This car must have been new other wise I would've recognised him.
But instead of the memories of the happy high school guy who loves cars. I was looking at his pale face, eyes wide open with glass stuck everywhere in body making blood come out from every direction.

There was no way he was still alive

I stood back up and walked over to some bushes as I proceeded to throw up everywhere.

I had just killed somebody

I felt like my body was rejecting everything in my stomach as I dry reached.

He wasn't just anybody, he was a friend, and you just killed him.

I remember the ambulance showing up not much longer as well as the police. People were getting questioned as I stood there not being able to say a thing.
My mind was blank and my body was numb.

I remember the police taking me away in handcuffs, and a voice screaming and crying.


I looked over and saw Alessia in a crowd of people trying to get to me. She was crying hysterically and screaming for the cops to let me go. My eyes softened and I just wanted to hug her.
Only Alessia would defend me after I had just killed someone.

Alessia ran up by me before the cops shoved me in the back of their car.

"Please, please let him go you can't take him" she screamed out crying

"Shh, Alessia it's okay. Everything's okay" I whispered. I wanted nothing more than to hug her, but the restraints on my wrists hurt like a bitch the more I tried to move my arms.

"No no it's not okay Noah! I need you, please, I need you" she wrapped her arms around me before the police order pulled her off me.

I looked at Alessia with nothing but love.

I love her.

"Alessia, it'll be fine, they are just going to question me, I promise I'll see you once they let me go"
I looked at her red face from crying.

"Just promise me one thing" I say

"What?" She sniffles

"Tell my family that I'm sorry" I swallowed.

"And to you Alessia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you had to see that" I choked.

15 year old Alessia had just started coming to races and had now experienced this. And it was my fault.

Those were the last words I said to Alessia before the cops shoved me in the car and drove off. Leaving Alessia there by herself, crying.

The cops didn't just question me. They sentenced me to 2 years in a juvenile correctional facility.
My promise to Alessia was broken, I couldn't see her.

I made myself a promise, that I'd come back a man. For her.

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