Chapter 9

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7 years ago...


"Alessia!" Noah giggled, chasing me down the cul-de-sac.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, the wind pushing me even further.

"You can't catch me!" I reply laughing

I look over my shoulder to see Noah running faster, catching up to me. I look in front of me again and notice that I'm approaching a dead end and quickly stop running before I run into the fence.

Once I've stopped running I turn to face Noah realising he is still running towards me as he hasn't noticed my sudden stop.

"Noah slow down!" I squeal

He doesn't stop quick enough as his body collides into mine, knocking the air out of my lungs as I go sending towards the concrete with him on top of me.

"Alessia, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking!" he worries

I open my eyes to see him crouched down beside me, his face looking down at mine.

"ow" I whine as I touch my head.

As I reach up to soothe my head, I feel something damp touch my fingertips. I lift my hand back down to see blood smeared across my fingers.

"Noah..." I whisper, looking towards his concerned eyes, showing him the blood that now covers my fingers.

"Just stay calm Alessia ill go get our moms, you stay here ill be right back" He stumbles his words and I know he is trying to front being calm but the panic in his eyes is evident as he looks at the back of my head.

"I'm scared, please don't leave me here" I cry, gripping on to his hand before he gets the chance to stand up,

"You're ok Alessia, I promise you're okay" he whispers before planting a kiss on my forehead.

He swings his arm underneath my knees and wraps his other arm behind my back, picking me up. We both don't say anything as he sprints back to his house while carrying me. His eyes flickering down to mine every few seconds.

"It doesn't look too bad, just a mild concussion and a gash on the head. I don't think stitches will be needed" Noahs mom says to my mom as she observes my head.

Thankfully Noahs mom is a doctor and knows what she's doing.

As Noahs mom finishes cleaning my head and informing my mom about everything to do when someone has a concussion, she exits the room leaving just me and my mom.

"God, Alessia you must be careful, this could've been so much worse than a concussion and some blood" my mom mutters from beside me.

"I know, I'm sorry" I pout as I tip my head, staring at my shoes.

"It just scared me seeing all that blood, maybe don't play tag on the concrete anymore" She says while hugging me.

"I promise I won't" I smile, flashing her a toothy grin.

"I have to go call your father and tell him what happened, I'll be back in a minute"

As she leaves the room, I sit up from the chair in the living room and make my way up the stairs to Noahs room to find him.

As I get closer to Noahs room, I hear Noah's mom talking to him. I slowly approach his bedroom door, not wanting them to hear me as I try to listen to what they're saying.

"What were you thinking, running into her like that you could've seriously hurt her more than she already is" Noah's mom lectures him

"Is she okay?" His small voice asks

I hear Noahs mom take a deep breath before answering.

"She'll be okay, but she has a concussion Noah, that means Alessia has to rest for a week and not be running around" she tells him

"I didn't mean to hurt her" I hear his voice waver

"Can I still see her even if we can't play for a while?" he asks

"That's up to Alessia and her parents, not me. But you must understand that Alessia is not your size Noah. She is smaller and younger than you and not just another boy you play football with at school" She explains

I hear Noah sniffle which tells me that he's crying,

I don't want noah to feel like its fault

"I want you to apologize to Alessia before she leaves" His mom says

I hear footsteps coming towards the doorway and Noahs mom appears in front of me as she exits his room

"Can I please talk to noah" I ask sweetly, looking up at her.

"Of course you can sweetheart" she steps out of my way, making her way downstairs.

I walk into Noah's room to see him sitting on his car shaped bed with his head in his hands,

he looks up as he hears me walking towards him.

He stands up abruptly moving towards me, meeting me halfway.

"Alessia, I really am so sorry-" He rushes

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his waist, squeezing him tight.

"I know Noah, but it was an accident, you don't have to be sorry"

My words sound muffled as my face is pressed up against his shirt.

He hugs me back just as tight as we both stand there in silence.

"It really scared me, seeing you lay there bleeding" he says

"I won't let anything happen to you ever again Alessia, i promise." he sniffles.

I step back from the hug to look at his face, seeing his eyes are red from tears.

And that was when I realised that I, 10 year old Alessia Jane Bianchi, had a crush on 11 year old Noah Stefano Rossi.

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