Chapter 5

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I'm so bored. This teacher is still going on about homework and projects that we need to do.

"You are all going to be working in pairs, I will be choosing your partners so don't get any ideas"

I groan into my hands which are now covering my face. Working with a partner meant spending time with them outside of school as well, and I am not wasting my time with this useless shit.

"Alessia and Lane, you two will be working together"

Lane? Do I know a Lane?  Probably not.

I look over at the boy making his way towards me

"Isn't this a coincidence" he laughs nervously

"What?" I ask confused

"We've already met, remember? And your boyfriend looked mad. I don't think he likes me very much"

Oh that's Lane

"I don't have a boyfriend" I say with a straight face.

"Oh really? Sorry I-I just assumed because you two look really close and he looked mad at me for talking to you the other day" He rambles

"Yeah yeah sure" I wave him off, putting my head back down on the desk, anyone else would take this as a sign to leave but Lane stays put right next to me.

"So about the project, do you want to start working on it when we have free period?" He asks

"Yeah sure whatever" I mumble

"Ok great, I'll meet you in the library" he smiles widely before running off.

God, he has a creepy smile


"Do you know where Alessia is? She should be here by now" I ask my friend Ryder.

It was a free period and us three usually always meet outside so we could hangout.

"Not quite sure, I saw her walking to the library but that was 15 minutes ago" he mumbles

Ryder was another racer at our school. He was friends with Alessia and I but usually kept to himself.

"Alessia going to the library?" I laugh

"Yeah, I also saw a blonde guy talking to her, maybe you've been replaced" he smirks at me.

Over my dead body

"Oh for fucks sake, that fucker has been annoying the shit out of me since he moved here" I clench my teeth.

I know exactly what blonde guy he's talking about.
Lane fucking Moore. I'm not stupid, he may think he's being slick but I can see what he's doing. The way he stares at Alessia and watches her every move.

"Is he the new kid? Looks like you have some competition Noah, Alessia looked very interested in what he was saying" Ryder laughs

"Fuck off, Ryder. Blonde boy is seconds away from getting my fist in his face"

Ryder laughs even more at my words and drops his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it.

"If your so worried about Alessia replacing you, then do something about it. We both know what she's like and it's only a matter of time before she gets with one of these pendejos"  he explains

The thought of Alessia dating another guy makes me fucking livid. If I had it my way I would rip every guys eyeballs out just for looking at her. It makes me feel a certain way. I don't like Alessia like that... I shouldn't  like Alessia like that. It would ruin everything, it would ruin us. And I knew deep down I would ruin her. With us just being friends there's nothing to ruin and I have to keep it that way. Alessia and I hookup sometimes but there's nothing 'romantic' about it. Im almost sure the universe is laughing at me right now. I'm attracted to Alessia and always have been, I remember telling my mom when I was 7 that Alessia would always been mine. And nothing has changed, I still feel the same way. I know she's attracted to me as well but she's too stubborn to say anything, I on the other hand flirt with Alessia as a hobby. She says she finds it annoying but she can't deny the blush on her face every time.

"What do you mean do something about it?" I ask

"What I mean is, show her a good time. Show her that your the only guy for her. Roll around in the sheets or better yet your Maserati" he winks at me

"And don't give me that bullshit about how you two can't be together. Your a fucking idiot if you believe that for a second" he adds, walking off.

Well shit.

I pick up my shit and head towards the library.
Just like Ryder said Alessia was indeed there with the blonde boy sitting next to her. He's sitting so close to her that their sides are touching and I see red.

Hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter but I do plan on making my chapters longer so keep and eye out!

I appreciate you all! - Ella

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