Chapter 6

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"So this might be a bit too early to ask, but there's a big party this weekend, I'm sure you already know about it but I was wondering if you want to go with me?" I ask Alessia

Alessia was so effortlessly beautiful, it won't hurt trying to ask her out. For some reason she made me feel nervous. Really nervous.

"Yeah I'll think about it" she replies while chewing on the end of her pen.

My eyes focus on her mouth where she was biting the pen

Get a grip Lane, she won't go anywhere with you if she thinks your a creep

Before I speak again I hear the library door open and slam shut and heads turn towards the disruption.
It was no surprise of mine that Noah was now walking towards us with a pissed off look on his face.
I knew coming here with Alessia would piss him off but to be quite frank i don't care, as far as Alessia told me, they aren't together.

Even a guy I was talking to in my history class told me not to even think about talking to Alessia when I brought up her name. Apparently most people around here are scared of Noah Rossi. But he's about to get a big wake up call if he thinks for a second I'm afraid of him.

"What the fuck are you doing here with him? I've been looking for you everywhere" He shouts

"We just came here to study for our project" She sighs, picking at her nails

"I don't see much studying happening, all I'm seeing is him trying to get in your pants"  he points an accusing finger at me

I almost wanted to laugh at him. Is poor, poor, Noah feeling...insecure?

I'm not sure what happened in that 5 seconds of me spacing out but Alessia looked mad at what Noah had just said, and I wasn't complaining.

"Maybe I want to get in his pants Noah" she began
"Would that be so shocking? For once in your life Noah stop acting like I'm your property"

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I watched Alessia tell Noah off, and that only seemed to piss him off even more.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" He grabs my collar and pulls me up to face him
"You won't be smiling soon when all your teeth are gone" he raged.

"What is wrong with you?" Alessia interrupts grabbing the back of Noah's shirt to pull him away from me

"Did you listen to anything I just said? I get that your 'protective' or whatever but Lane and I were just talking" she yelled

Noah takes a step back and looks back and fourth between the two of us, breathing heavily.

"Whatever Alessia, have fun with your boy toy"
He fumed, walking out of the building slamming the door behind him.

Well, that was an interesting free period

Alessia starts gathering her stuff to leave but before she does she stops and turns around to face me.

"I'll go to the party with you, but don't think for a second that I'll end up in your bed tonight" she exhaled, walking out the door leaving me alone.

That's fine, I was planning on ending up in yours anyway.

Do you think Noah's really going to let Lane off that easily?

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