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Well I was told by my brother that I'm getting a new seat and it's right in front of him so I was kinda pissed but I also got a new seat partner and my brother told me it was a girl with short black hair, wait a second, is it that hot asf boy that I was looking at yesterday- no, but, there was no other short black haired boy that I've seen, so maybe somebody I've never saw



Welp now I'm stuck here with a boy that I have a crush on and I have to sit by him every morning and after school! Great.

So when he got on the buss I decided to just play my phone but he sat by me and leaned over my shoulder to see what I was playing! jeez my heart's beating faster! I've only seen him like 2 times! Well, now 3

I couldn't help it I had to make him stop looking over my shoulder, my face is gonna turn red... So I look over at him and he said hi, his face was so cute- god i have problems.

So I said hi back, we talked, I let him play my phone, and we got to school. So I ate breakfast with him and then we walked our separate ways. I instantly knew, I had a crush on this boy.

(Btw my brother said girl bc he didn't know they were trans at the time, but now they are gender fluid)

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