Neck kizzes & cuddling pt. 4 :)))

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Uhm so I have memory loss, so this may not be 100% correct (even though it didn't happen that long ago I still forgot so ye)

O- "can we cuddle?"

A- "ofc"

They layed down and I  lied down on top of them

Ugh I'm getting kinda horny rn, I don't wanna bother them much what If they aren't in the mood, I mean they said they would like me to f around with their body...? Ugh I'm such a pussy sometimes

I moved my mouth close to their neck

I wanna kiss their neck really badly, but what if they don't like it-

A- "I wanna say something but I'm embarrassed"

OOOOO they wanna tell me smt :)))

O- "tell me"

I moved my mouth closer to their neck

A- "I feel like you already know"

Huh they think I already know? Wait OH THEY WANT NECK KISSES :0

O- "tell me I wanna hear it from you"

I said in a kinda seductive voice or at least I was trying to do that

A- "No I'm too embarrassed"

I than moved my mouth away from their neck to make them have to say so or else they don't get neck kisses 😂

O- "ok"

Only a few seconds went by not even a minute and I heard them say

A- "ok Im not embarrassed to say it anymore"

O- "ok what is it?"

A- "I kinda thought you were gonna bite my neck"

(This is the part I don't remember so clearly so axel If u are reading this and I got some shit wrong pls tell me TvT)

I started kissing their neck bc well thats what I've been wanting to do and I'm actually surprised axel said smt abt it after I thought of doing it? Maybe bc I moved my mouth next to their neck

I want to move my mouth down more, kinda closer to their chest

I moved my mouth down for a slight second but then moved back to kissing their neck bc I didn't know if they were also horny or if they wanted to be kissed there

I mean we have made out before so..?

I stopped kissing their neck and started making out with them

(Welp I'll finish this later rn I'm too lazy so maybe check again in like an hour, If I still haven't wait another hour and promise it will be updated, I lied)

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