Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Meet the Mortem Gang

I was surprised to see that the men I had seen in the parking lot at the mall the previous night had become my new classmates

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I was surprised to see that the men I had seen in the parking lot at the mall the previous night had become my new classmates. Mr. Anderson’s reaction was also one of shock as he witnessed them kick the door. The apprehension of encountering Alex and his friends was evident on his face. As soon as Alex and his friends entered the classroom and walked to their seats behind me, my classmates fell silent. I made a deliberate effort to avert my eyes as they approached. Despite the uneasy atmosphere, Mr. Anderson continued teaching in front of us, looking visibly nervous. It left me questioning what had happened to them.

“S-So class remember to do your homework. Dismiss!” Mr. Anderson instructed the class to complete their assigned homework before concluding his lesson and departing from the classroom.

Following his departure, my classmates exited in haste, leaving behind dropped belongings. I remained in the classroom with five male individuals positioned behind me; after gathering my belongings, I exited the classroom to discover that the five men had turned their attention towards me. It appeared as though they recognized me. I promptly reviewed my schedule and acknowledged that my next class was PEDH with Mrs. Villar as the instructor. I proceeded to my locker to deposit any unnecessary items and expeditiously returned to the classroom.

“Mrs. Villar said to change into our P. E uniform and go to the gymnasium.” Mrs. Villar instructed the class to change into their physical education uniforms and proceed to the gymnasium. Without hesitation, the students followed suit and headed towards the girl’s bathroom to complete the task. After changing my uniform, I entered the gymnasium, where I was met with peculiar stares. Unfazed, I continued on towards the bench, sensing someone observing me. Suddenly, a dagger appeared and upon quick reflexes, I caught it. My classmates were astonished, and upon inspection, it was clear that the dagger had been thrown from above. Upon glancing upwards, I saw Alex and his friends, whose expressions ranged from shock to solemnity. I threw the dagger back to its rightful owner, realizing that the one besides Alex who is their leader was the one who threw it at me. The commotion that ensued led to a cut on their leader’s cheek; a realization that he was not as swift as he had anticipated. 

“Oh my god! King has a wound.”

“She’s dead when Stacey saw that wound in King’s face.”

“Is she crazy?!”

Initially, I must declare that I am indifferent towards the injury of their king. Secondly, the identity of Stacey does not hold any significance for me either. Lastly, I would like to clarify that I am not insane. Nonetheless, their leader continued to gaze intensely at me and proceeded to descend the stairs, accompanied by his associates. It came as no surprise to me that the gymnasium was equipped with a second floor. Upon arrival at the bottom of the stairs, we were met by our Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Villar. She possessed long, straight locks and had a slightly corpulent build. Her makeup was noticeably dense, and her demeanor came off as impolite. Before commencing the game of dodgeball, Mrs. Villar conducted an attendance check and allocated us into two distinct groups.

“Ms. Coolidge, your teammates are Montefalco, Smith, Pearson, Wintle, and Mr. Knight.” I was somewhat startled when the five men approached me. Apparently, they were my teammates. However, it dawned on me that among them was Mr. Knight, the son of the school proprietor. I couldn’t quite place which one he was.

“Excuse me, are you Ms. Coolidge?” Alex politely inquired.

“Yes, that is correct,” I responded affirmatively

“I’m Alex Montefalco, and they are my friends.” Alex introduced himself and pointed at his group of friends, gesturing to the individuals standing behind him.

“I’m Everett Wintle.” He said he was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed individual with a pointed nose.

Zachary Smith introduced himself next, “Greetings, Ms. Coolidge, I am Zachary Smith. Please pardon my friendliness, but I must say, you are gorgeous.” Turning to his handsome friend, he introduced Chase Pearson.

“And the one is Chase Pearson.”  Adding an observation that the latter appeared to be preoccupied with his reading. The fourth member of their group remained unnamed.

“That is August Knight.” Alex clarified, I deduced that he was the son of the school’s owner. She silently observed him, noting his striking features-brown eyes, black hair, a pointed nose, and lips that invited her attention.

“You may address me as Kaia.” I offered, taking the initiative to be colloquial.

We initiated the game between the blue team and the red team, whereby we represented the blue team and our opponents the red team. Regrettably, the game concluded prematurely due to the injury of one of the members of the opposing team, which prompted Mrs. Villar to cease the game. Subsequently, we proceeded to our next academic endeavor. Upon arriving at our classroom, we encountered Mr. Lee, our UCSP professor, comfortably seated. I opted to sit at the back of the classroom and diverted my attention towards the window. I was caught off guard when my phone began to vibrate. In response, I retrieved my phone and viewed the identity of the sender.

Jace –
Underground, 6:30 PM.

I couldn’t help but smirk at what I had just read. I wondered who our adversaries would be. By the way, I recognized Jace Davis, an acquaintance from the underground. As it was already lunchtime, Mr. Lee allowed us to leave the classroom. Upon exiting, I proceeded to walk to the cafeteria. Upon entering, I noticed that it was unusually quiet and scanned the other students present, including August and his companions. Despite their presence, I ordered my food and found an unoccupied table without much effort. As I enjoyed my meal, my phone unexpectedly began ringing, causing the attention of the other students to turn towards me.

Wade calling…


“Aiden escaped again!” He said in a panic.

“What? I instructed all of you to watch over him, and you can’t do your fucking job right!”

“Sorry, Jade!”

“Find him, if you can’t find him, I will kill all of you.” Upon hearing the threat, an audible gasp emanated from the immediate surroundings. Recalling my present location, among fellow students in the cafeteria, I observed their widened eyes fixed upon me.

“Let’s talk later.” Concluding the call, I made my exit from the cafeteria while endeavoring to calm my nerves. Proceeding towards the adjacent forest, I chanced upon the sought individual in its midst.

“You came.” Acknowledging my arrival, the individual greeted me.

“Where are the files?” Requesting the necessary documents, the individual presented me with a file, which I thoroughly inspected for its appropriateness.

“You can go now.” It is evident that both my companion and I were being surveilled by individuals apart from ourselves, leading him to depart with immediate effect. I am aware of the identities of these individuals, as they were tailing me on my way here. Despite their presence, I maintained composure and proceeded to this location undeterred. I have garnered their attention, as evidenced by their subsequent actions. I have now returned to the classroom with ample time before the lesson begins.

August and his companions subsequently arrived, and my peers in the classroom fell silent momentarily, directing their gaze towards me before returning to their seats. Ms. Malia arrived, distributing a worksheet, and assuming her position. Upon examination of the worksheet, I was able to swiftly complete it in under two minutes, promptly submitting it to Ms. Malia. When I stood up in response to the teacher’s announcement, my classmates appeared somewhat surprised. Evidently, they had spent an excessive amount of time pondering the worksheet, constrained by their limited understanding of the subject. This was not the case for August and his companions, who seemed to possess a better grasp of the material.

“Time’s up,” Ms. Malia announced, to which the students proceeded to submit their completed worksheets before resuming their seats.

“Additionally, I must convey that Mrs. Peterson is presently in a meeting, and therefore, you are free to utilize this time as you wish. However, I must insist that you remain indoors.” Upon the departure of the instructor, there was widespread rejoicing among my classmates at the news of Mrs. Peterson’s absence. After retrieving some files from my bag, which had been given to me by Kyle, I cautiously surveyed my peers before turning my attention to the documents I had been provided with.

Name: Alex Montefalco
Age: 18 years old
Mother: Deceased
Father: Gabriel Montefalco

- They own the MTF Company Inc.
- They’re the 3rd richest in the world.
- He’s a member of a gang named Mortem Gang.

Name: Everett Wintle
Age: 19 years old
Mother: Samantha Wintle
Father: James Wintle

- They own 5 branches of restaurants in America and the Philippines.
- They’re the 5th richest in the world.
- He’s a member of a gang named Mortem Gang.

Name: Zachary Smith
Age: 17 years old
Mother: Silvia Smith
Father: Arthur Smith

- They own 3 branches of a clothing boutique in America.
- They’re the 4th richest in the world.
- He’s a member of a gang named Mortem Gang.

Name: Chase Pearson
Age: 16 years old
Mother: Alexandria Pearson
Father: Sebastian Pearson

- They own a publishing house in the Philippines.
- They’re the 6th richest in the world.
- He’s a member of a gang named Mortem Gang.

And lastly…

Name: August Knight
Age: 18 years old
Mother: Miranda Knight
Father: Tristan Knight

- They own 1 university in the Philippines, and they also own a restaurant and a resort.
- They’re the 2nd richest in the world.
- He’s the leader of Mortem Gang the rank 2 in the underground.

I found myself smiling as I perused the words on the page before me. “At last, Mortem Gang, our paths cross once more,” I remarked, acknowledging the two years that had elapsed since our last encounter.

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