Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Surprise

On my way to school, I noticed a coffee shop in the vicinity and decided to park my car and enter the coffee shop

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On my way to school, I noticed a coffee shop in the vicinity and decided to park my car and enter the coffee shop. Upon entering, the delightful aroma of coffee immediately greeted me, eliciting a smile from me.

“Good morning, can I have an iced coffee please,” I politely requested the barista for an iced coffee, following which I left the shop and returned to my car. Before embarking on my drive to school, I indulged in the sip of coffee. Upon reaching the school premises, I parked my car and headed towards the premises by foot, overhearing the discussions of students pertaining to the new students who were soon to join our institution.

“Have you heard, there are new students who will be transferring here.” One of the students said.

“Yeah, I heard they are not from here.” One of them also said.

Curiosity got the better of me and I headed towards the soccer field, where I sat under the shade of a tree, sipping my coffee and delving into the book that I carried with me. I was engrossed in my reading when I was suddenly interrupted by a commotion. Being curious, I glanced over towards the field and was surprised to spot Jacob among the people there. I immediately got up and walked towards him, with August and his friends giving me quizzical looks. Despite my surprise, I was thrilled to see Jacob, as I share a strong bond with him.

“Jacob!” I exclaimed, and he turned towards me with a smile. As I approached him, I couldn’t contain my excitement and jumped on him, which made him burst into laughter.

“It’s good to see you again,” He said with a chuckle when he set me down.

I quizzed him about his sudden appearance, “Why are you here? Are the others here too?”

“I wanted to surprise you, and yes, they are all here,” He replied. Although I was delighted to see them all, I had my reservations about their visit and the potential problems it might create. I observed August’s whereabouts, but they were no longer visible, prompting me to wonder where they may have gone.

“Aren’t you glad that we’re here?” Jacob interjected, seeking affirmation of his presence here, causing me to look in his direction once more.

“Of course, I’m happy that you’re all here, I’m just thinking of something else,” I replied reassuringly, concealing my genuine thoughts. Despite their unexpected arrival, I deemed it unnecessary to send them back to Japan. Instead, I resolved to prepare myself for any outcome that may arise, which requires Jace’s assistance in planning. Suddenly, an oversight dawned on me, causing me to frown in disconcertment.

“What’s wrong?” Observing my negative expression, Jacob probed further.

“Nothing, I just remembered something that I forgot to do,” I dismissed his concern and invited him to my previous location under the shade of a tree. We engaged in discourse until his departure made me pout in discontentment, much to his amusement.

“I will see you later.” I bid farewell to Jacob and embraced him. Once he departed, I collected my belongings and proceeded towards the classroom. To my surprise, I encountered August and his companions, whom I earlier looked for at the soccer field. Upon reaching my designated seat, I sat down and shifted my focus to the instructor as they commenced the lecture. However, a sensation of lightheadedness arose within me, which led me to experience a state of absent-mindedness during the speech. Suddenly, the lecturer inquired.

“Ms. Coolidge, are you alright?” Catching my attention, I glanced upward and grimaced at the intensification of my headache.

“I feel dizzy,” I answered, clenching my nose as a trickle of blood began to ooze from it.

“Oh no, not a nosebleed,” I thought to myself, feeling increasingly unsteady.

“Oh my god, she’s having a nosebleed!” Expressions of concern emerged from my classmates as the situation appeared to escalate.

As I was lifted, my gaze fell upon August, who had come to my aid. He graciously escorted me to the clinic, where I was carefully placed onto a bed. Without delay, the nurse inquired about the cause of my discomfort.

“May I know what transpired?” She asked. August then proceeded to explain that I had been experiencing dizziness and a nosebleed. Following this, the nurse took my blood pressure and found it to be normal; she advised me to rest. Additionally, she provided me with medicine for my headache, which I promptly consumed along with water that August had kindly offered me.

“You should go back to class.” As I lay down to recuperate, I advised him to return to class, which prompted him to cast his gaze towards me.

“Are you certain?” He inquired, to which I gave a confirming nod.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” I expressed my gratitude, with a smile, and he reciprocated kindly. Following our exchange, he mentioned his intention to head back to the classroom, bid me farewell, and left. I then peacefully closed my eyes to take some rest.

After one hour of convalescence, I awakened and observed the wall clock to detect that it was mealtime. I rose from my position and expressed gratitude to the nurse before exiting the premises. Upon leaving the clinic, I observed several scattered students in the corridor due to lunchtime. While walking towards the cafeteria, my stomach made an unexpected noise, prompting me to hasten my pace. After arriving at the cafeteria, I made an order for pasta, chocolate cake, and apple juice. Following the order, I searched for a vacant table and subsequently discovered one amidst a crowded space. Unfortunate as it was, I had no choice but to settle there. After positioning the ordered tray, I immediately seated myself. Soon after, the surrounding noise level began to increase. A brief observation revealed that August’s cohort had just arrived and claimed their regular table, unfortunately situated nearby mine.

Everett and Chase proceeded to the counter to place an order for their meal. Upon witnessing Stacey’s group approaching August’s table again, I felt a sense of discomfort and disgust, as her thickly applied makeup and revealing attire were quite displeasing to the eye. I couldn’t help but question if she was truly Raya’s sister. As I observed the two returning to their table, they too appeared uneasy upon noticing the presence of Stacey’s group. Although I couldn’t resist a laugh at their expense, upon catching their gaze, I smiled in response. It was at that moment that my phone began to vibrate, prompting me to retrieve it from my pocket.

Jace –
Did you know that your friends are already here?

Kaia –
Yeah, I just found out today, when I saw Jacob here at school.

Jace –
So, what are you going to do now?

Kaia –
Protect them in the best way I can.

I emitted a sigh as a result of my lack of knowledge on what actions to take next. While I was engrossed in my meal, a certain individual dropped a tray in my presence, prompting me to raise my head. I could not conceal my expression of disapproval upon discovering that it was August standing in front of me. To compound matters, his friends were seated at a nearby table, with Stacy regarding me with animosity, causing me to swiftly fix my gaze back onto August. Perplexed by his sudden appearance, I ventured to ask.

“What brings you here?” August merely gave me an insouciant shrug and took a seat opposite me. As he consumed his meal, I maintained a steady gaze over him, questioning his unexpected visit.

“Quit staring.” Unnerved by my unwavering scrutiny, August implores me to cease my staring. I acquiesced to his request and proceeded to consume my meal, albeit continuing to steal the occasional glance at him. The sound of his exhalation let me know that he was still aware of my persistent staring.

I ceased my gaze upon him, noticing an evident display of annoyance towards my actions. Undeterred, I proceeded to attentively consume my meal. Despite my efforts to divert my attention, I found myself irresistibly drawn to steal glances at him and the company he kept at the adjacent table. My observations revealed that they were directing their attention towards our table, accompanied by smirks directed at August. Intrigued by this sight, I responded with a nonchalant shrug as they returned my gaze with smiles. Concluding my meal, I left August behind as I still had unfinished tasks to attend to. En route to the parking lot, my progress was momentarily interrupted by the vibration of my phone. Consequently, I retrieved my phone and checked the sender of the message.

From: Unknown
I found you. No matter how much you try to escape, you won’t be able to hide from me, Princess.

My heart sank as I absorbed the words. Trembling with fear, I quickly dialed Jace’s number, and he picked up without delay.

“Gather everyone,” I instructed him, my voice filled with apprehension.

“Why? Has something terrible occurred?” He asked me, his tone laced with worry.

“He has found me, Jace…”

“Are you certain?” He asked skeptically. My friends’ presence heightened my anxiety. What should I do?

“He texted me, he found me. Jace, what do I do?” How? How did he locate me?

“I’ll gather everyone.”

“Thanks, Jace.” Once I said that, I hung up.

When I arrived at the underground facility, I proceeded to park my vehicle and exited promptly. I promptly made my way inside and directed myself towards the designated private room, which served as the customary meeting place for us council members. Upon entering the room, I observed that Jace and the other two council members were already seated, with Jace acknowledging my entrance through a smile. We patiently waited for a few more moments until everyone had assembled.

Upon noticing my presence, Uncle Phoenix addressed me by stating, “I have been informed about the recent events by Jace.” I held my breath, aware of the significance of Master Phoenix’s role as the proprietor of the underground establishment.

Curiosity arose among the council members, as one of them inquired, “Is he truly in our midst?” In response, I nodded affirmatively. It appears that my return to the Philippines may prove futile, as he has managed to track me down once again, leading my companions to sympathize with my predicament.

Trevor intervened, offering his perspective, stating, “This implies that we must make preparations for his eventual reappearance, as we are unaware of his intentions.”

We have already devised a detailed plan to effectively prepare for whatever scheming he may have. However, that plan is obsolete now. I refuse to allow someone else to put their lives at risk for my sake once again. It is my duty to protect those around me. After our meeting had concluded, everyone else departed, leaving only Jace, Trevor, and Uncle Phoenix with me.

“By the way, I was informed that your friends have arrived,” Trevor stated, fixing his gaze on me.

“Yes, that is another concern of mine,” I responded.

“Do not fret. We will ensure their safety. They will be protected!” Uncle Phoenix affirmed, with Trevor and Jace nodding in agreement.

Uncle Phoenix and Trevor bid their farewells, mentioning their attendance at an event. Likewise, I bid farewell to Jace as I needed to return to school. Exiting the underground, I glanced at the stage, which provided a vantage point to witness the ongoing battle between two unfamiliar groups, both exhibiting impressive skills.

When I exited the building, I proceeded to the parking lot and entered my vehicle. As I was driving, I noticed an individual on the road who bore a resemblance to him, which caught me off guard and nearly caused an accident. Swiftly, I applied the brakes to avoid a collision. The woman glared at me, prompting a sincere apology on my part. Before taking off again, I took a quick peek at the spot where he was standing earlier, but he had disappeared into thin air. Guess I’m starting to get a little paranoid! Eventually, I made it to the school without any mishaps, so I let out a huge sigh of relief. As I was walking, I had an unfortunate encounter with someone who carelessly collided with me, leading me to forcefully slap my forehead in exasperation. In disbelief, I thought to myself, ‘What on Earth!’

“Sorry,” Uttered by the person who had collided with me, causing me to look in his direction. Could he be a newly enrolled student? Considering that it was the first time I laid eyes on him, it is plausible.

“No worries, just watch where you’re going next time,” I responded before continuing on my way, leaving him behind. A few students observed the incident, prompting me to gaze at them expressionlessly. They averted their gazes, prompting a smirk to creep onto my face.

When I arrived at the classroom, I entered and to my surprise, August’s group was not present. I wondered about the whereabouts of those individuals. Upon nearing my seat, I sat down. As the teacher had not yet arrived, I decided to listen to music to prevent boredom. While engrossed in my music, I noticed someone halt in front of me, prompting me to raise my gaze.

“May I help you, August?” I discovered that it was August who had paused before me.

“I’m curious, what were you doing in the underground earlier?” I was taken aback by his query, wondering how he knew of my prior activities.

“None of your business,” I replied sternly, casting a piercing glare at him. He studied me attentively, eventually releasing a sigh before making his way to his seat. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as he departed and settled in his place. In response to the conversation taking place in front of me, I turned my attention forward.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” Greeted Ms. Chua. I promptly powered off my phone and placed it in my bag, attentively absorbing the lesson she provided and diligently noting down the key points. My focus wavered midway through, resulting in my obliviousness to Ms. Chua’s departure.

Once the afternoon class concluded, I expeditiously vacated the classroom in an attempt to evade any encounter with August. Subsequently, I entered my vehicle and departured from the premises. In due time, I arrived at my abode and proceeded indoors. Initially, I retreated to my room to change attire before descending the stairs once again, driven by my hunger pangs that beckoned me towards the kitchen. Upon opening the refrigerator, I spotted a slice of cake and instinctively seized the opportunity to sate my appetite. Making my way to the living room, I consumed my treat while occupying myself by activating the television to indulge in a movie. Simultaneously partaking in the visual entertainment and delectable cake, my viewing concluded when the last morsel was consumed, prompting me to juxtapose the film and head to the kitchen to cleanse the utilized utensils.

When I had finished washing the dishes, I ascended the staircase and proceeded to my room, where I intended to resume the movie I had been watching earlier. Indeed, there is a television in my room. I retrieved the remote control and settled onto my bed, resuming the playback of the film. While I was engrossed in the movie, already midway through, drowsiness overcame me and I succumbed to sleep.

The following morning, I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I promptly answered the call, inwardly questioning who would dare disturb me at such an early hour. It was too premature in the day to interrupt the sleep of someone like myself, who still yearned for more rest.

“What? You have rudely disrupted my slumber,” I responded with irritation to the individual on the other end of the line.

“Sorry, it’s me, Jacob,” My annoyance dissipated when I discovered the identity of the caller.

“Hello, why did you call?” I inquired of him.

“Did Storm pay a visit to your abode last night?” I frowned at his inquiry, since Storm had not come to my residence.

“No, he did not come here. Where could he have gone?” I wondered.

“Ah, I see. When he does come to your place, please inform me.”

“Alright, bye.” Upon concluding the phone conversation, I terminated the call and rose from my bed. Recognizing the necessity of attending school, I proceeded to the bathroom to engage in personal hygiene. Subsequently, I departed from the bathroom and navigated towards my closet to undergo a change of attire. Following the completion of this task, I descended the stairs. Considering the possibility of arriving tardily if I were to partake in breakfast at home, I elected to consume my morning meal at school.

I embarked upon my vehicle and exited the premises. Swiftly, I arrived at my educational institution, whereupon I parked my vehicle and strolled towards the cafeteria, recognizing the importance of nourishing myself before entering the classroom. Given the abundance of time available, I procured an order of fried rice accompanied by a serving of orange juice. Given that the fried rice already contained vegetables, I refrained from obtaining an additional dish. Subsequently, I proceeded to locate an unoccupied seat, and upon finding one, I seated myself and commenced my meal. Whilst engrossed in my consumption, I happened to spot the gentleman who inadvertently collided with me the previous day. Coincidentally, he too was dining alone. However, in contrast to my simple act of eating, he was absorbed in perusing written material enclosed within a folder. Curiosity arose within me, challenging me to ponder the nature of his engagement.

When I concluded my meal, I departed the premises. However, before my exit, I once again directed my gaze towards him until my departure. It perplexes me, for it feels as if I have encountered him previously, yet I am uncertain of the whereabouts. I casually disregarded this uncertainty and proceeded to the classroom. Upon my arrival, I observed that my classmates had already gathered within. Consequently, I joined them and proceeded to occupy my designated seat.

While we were waiting for the others to arrive, our professor engaged in a conversation with my classmates. However, they promptly concluded it once everyone was present, allowing us to arrange our seats and commence the lesson. Amidst the ongoing discussion, it was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door. Without hesitation, our professor attended to the door and granted access to the person who had knocked. The sudden appearance of these individuals outside bewildered me.

“Are you the new students?” Mr. Anderson inquired, to which they silently nodded.

“Please come in and introduce yourselves.” They entered the room individually, prompting my classmates to whisper about them in front of us. To my surprise, these new students turned out to be my friends, indicating that it was certainly part of their premeditated plan.

“Storm Harper,” My classmates erupted in noise as he made a brief introduction. I couldn’t help but smack my forehead in annoyance, as Storm clearly had no interest in talking. Next up was Raya, who introduced herself with a hint of arrogance.

“I am Raya Romanova, 18 years old. I have a mixed heritage of Filipino and Russian, and coincidentally, I am friends with Katerina Coolidge.” Suddenly, all eyes were on me, so I shot Raya a piercing glare, but she shamelessly laughed it off. A curious student raised her hand, catching Raya’s attention.

“Do you happen to know Stacey Romanova?” The student asked, causing both Raya and me to roll our eyes in exasperation.

“She’s my sister,” She replied, prompting another round of murmurs from the crowd. I let out a sigh, feeling slightly defeated.

“Hi, I’m Jacob Lee,” A friendly smile appeared on his face as he looked at me. The moment was interrupted when someone kicked my chair from behind. I shot a fierce glare at August, who was smirking like an insolent fool.

And finally…

“Hi everyone, I’m Elaina Rose, 19 years old,” She greeted us, and at long last, the introductions were over.

“You will occupy the seat behind. By the way, I am Henry Anderson, your adviser, and subject teacher,” Firmly stated Mr. Anderson. With no one occupying the seat next to me, Jacob proceeded to sit beside me, as the three individuals took their places in front of us. Mr. Anderson confidently resumed his previous lesson upon the arrival of the four individuals, compelling us to attentively listen. Sensing Jacob’s gaze fixed upon me, I glanced in his direction and confirmed my intuition – he was indeed staring at me. I pondered whether there might be dirt on my face. However, I maintained my composure, simply smiled at him, and redirected my focus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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