Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Reunite

The principal has announced the cancellation of today’s classes

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The principal has announced the cancellation of today’s classes. As a result, I have been contemplating what activities to pursue today while remaining in bed. The prospect of visiting the park or mall has crossed my mind, but as I have recently been to the mall, I am uncertain what I would do there.

“For goodness’s sake, why is it so hard to think.” After a period of introspection, I eventually decided to walk to the park. Upon arrival, I selected a bench and observed children playing nearby, which reminded me of my younger brother, Aiden. However, I noticed a solitary child among the group and approached him after noting his exclusion from their activities. Upon catching sight of the child, I inquired.

“Are you feeling all right, young one?” Once he turned around, I was taken aback upon discovering the identity of the boy before me.

“A-Aiden?” I uttered, while he looked at me with a pair of wide eyes.

“Riri,” He exclaimed, as he ran up to me and began to weep. My heart was filled with distress. What if something unpleasant had occurred to him? I could not possibly forgive myself if that was the case.

“How did you manage to get here, Aiden? What if something unfortunate had happened to you?” With Wade standing at a distance and unaware of our presence, Aiden disclosed.

“I was with Uncle Wade, but he went to purchase something from the store opposite for a brief while.” Upon seeing Wade emerge from the store, it appeared as though he had yet to realize our presence.

“P-Princess…” However, as he drew nearer, he seemed taken aback by the sight of me and my little brother. I directed a firm gaze at the individual and queried.

“May I inquire as to why you are present in this location?” After scrutinizing him a second time, I expressed my concern before responding to his previous inquiry.

“I was simply taking a walk. However, why would you abandon my younger sibling in this area? Are you impulsive?”

“I had only procured some food for Aiden.” He stuttered in response. Inquisitive, I drew nearer and observed some confections contained within the plastic bag he was clutching. Despite this, I maintained my apprehension.

“Regardless, it is inappropriate to leave him unaccompanied outdoors!” I spoke in a worried tone.

“I understand your concern and apologize for my lack of discretion. I was under the impression he was playing with the other youngsters,” He responded.

“Can you observe any other children engaging with my brother?” Doubtful, I inquired.

“No, it seems they are disinclined to play with him.” He admitted while shaking his head. The individual then proceeded to scratch his nape, while I simply shook my head in disbelief.

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