Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Queen Bitch

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, prompting me to rise and attend to my morning routine

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, prompting me to rise and attend to my morning routine. With the commencement of the academic year, I hastened to prepare and exited the premises expeditiously due to the fear of tardiness. Having completed my ablutions, I found myself investing time in personal skincare, causing considerable concern for my timely arrival. Despite my trepidation, I managed to arrive at the school before the toll of the bell, permitting me to assume my seat expeditiously.

Following my seating, Mr. Anderson the class with a set of worksheets, causing me to reflect on my inadequate preparation for a potential quiz. However, upon perusal of the contents, I became elated as my prior education and its inclusion afforded me the capacity to respond successfully.

I am currently in the cafeteria, feeling drained due to the quizzes. Although I learned the material at my previous school, I still struggled with some of the answers. As a result, I am experiencing a headache.

While eating, my attention was grabbed by my fellow students loudly welcoming August’s group. Though I can see what they ordered, the noise level is unbearable. However, the room went silent when four women entered. Who are they, and why did everyone become quiet?

“Oh my god! It’s Stacey and her friends.”

“When did she come back?”

Upon seeing the four women, the female students cowered in fear while the male students blatantly ogled them. The indecently short dresses they wore left me questioning whether they can still be considered clothing. Nonetheless, they made their way to August’s table.

“Hey, babe.” Without hesitation, one of the women addressed August with an unwelcome nickname and planted a disgusting kiss on his lips – which made me cringe.

“Stacey.” August introduced the woman as Stacey in a frigid tone. Despite the abundance of empty seats, Stacey arrogantly chose to sit on August’s lap. Feeling embarrassed, I averted my gaze when Alex glanced at me. As I stood up to leave, someone unexpectedly called out my name, prompting me to stop in my tracks. It was Alex – a familiar voice that I could not ignore.

Fuck, I have no interest in seeing their faces.

“Have you eaten?”  He asked when he approached me. The attention of the students turned to us. Although I was about to respond, he interrupted me by saying.

“Come join us.” Without any action on my part, he pulled me to their table. However, the four women at the table were giving me hostile looks.

“What is their issue?”  I thought to myself. Rolling my eyes, I disregarded them.

“Who is she?” Stacey asked.

“Remember what I told you?” One of her friends said. Stacey nodded and then turned her glare towards me.

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