Chapter 2 (third perspective)

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Sophie and the her friends crept out from her bedroom careful to not be seen by Grady or Edaline. They snuck up the stairs and opened the door to Grady's Office, the door made a creak.... They all froze just in case anyone else heard them. When no Grady or Edaline came stomping up the stairs to demand to know what they were doing they continued on into Grady's office in search for his blue pathfinder

'Ok, l'll search the desk with Sophie  and the rest of you look around the shelves and drawers Kay?' Biana whispered. We all whispered back 'okay'. Biana and Sophie started to search the messy desk for the pathfinder while Linh and Tam rummaged through the drawers as Fitz and Dex watched the door just in case Grady or Edaline came in. Suddenly Tam whispered ' I got it' and held up the cobalt blue pathfinder. 'Okay, let's go back to my room and leap from there' Sophie whispered and then suddenly they heard a voice ' What are you doing with my pathfinder and where are you leaping?' 

They slowly turned around and found a furious Grady and Edaline at the door. Sophie shouted ' Quick Tam make a path!' Tam fumbled with the pathfinder but managed to make a path of light, 'NO-' Grady cried and that was the last thing they heard before they leaped away.


They leaped into a dark and musty alleyway and regrouped. 'I think we're in London' Sophie whispered just in case anyone was there. 'Isn't that the city with that big clock?' Dex asked, 'Yeah, that's the Big Ben' Sophie replied. 'Why does it smell weird?' Tam asked as he crinkled his nose. ' That's the air pollution' Sophie replied ' And keep it down just in case someone realises we're here. 'Okay' they all replied.

When they thought the coast was clear they slunk out of the alleyway and pretended like they were always there. ' Okay, regroup, where do you guys think Keefe is?' Biana asked. 'I don't know,' Sophie admitted, 'but he would probably choose somewhere discreet where it wouldn't draw much attention.' She said. ' Oh! Keefe does like E.L Fudges' ' What in the world is that?' Dex asked curiously ' It's a type of cookie that is shaped like elves....' She trailed off. 'Anyway we're getting off topic,' Biana said As she clapped her hands to try to get everyone's focus. ' We can just go to a shop that sells E.L Fudges and see if Keefe is there, It's not likely but at least we've got ourselves a lead.' Biana said. ' Okay, We've got ourselves a lead!' Sophie cried and Biana cheered ' This is going to be sooooo easy!'


Sophie  (POV)

'Why is this so hard...' Biana moaned after their 606th attempt to find a store with E.L Fudges. We all looked sooo tired except for Linh who was doing that quiet thing she's good at. I asked ' Hey Linh, what are you doing?' She seemed like she had just been snapped back into reality when l said that.' Human's make me a bit sad... I mean, look at all this misery, People without homes, food or anything...' she said. 'I get what you mean Linh and maybe elves and human's will reunite but right now we have to focus on getting Keefe back right now.' Linh face lit up a bit, ' You're right Sophie we have to k focus on one thing at a time.' She said. 'Ummm.. sorry to break up this sappy moment but l think we've found our shop...' Fitz said.

'What!?' Sophie cried, ' Why didn't you tell me sooner?!' Sophie whisper-yelled at Fitz. 'Geez, you were talking with Linh so ... l thought l'd let you finish.' Fitz grumbled. ' Sorry to interrupt but where's Linh?' Tam asked ' What do you mean? She's right here...?' I trailed off. When she wasn't there'Dex did you see where Linh went?' Tam asked Dex sharply. 'No.. Sorry l had just turned around to see what you guys are doing and when l turned back she was gone' Dex said apologetically. 

Suddenly a cloaked figure came out of nowhere holding a knife to Linh's throat. Linh looked terrified. ' What are you doing?!' Tam yelled, l could tell he was about to use shadowflux to make the figure let go of Linh so l transmitted Don't use shadowflux on her, Remember she's not an elf. Tam seemed to realise that and the threads of darkness l had seen at his finger tips went away.

'What are you doing to her?!' Tam said venomously. ' Now,Now, If you all come with me no one needs to get hurt' the cloaked figure purred. 'Fine, we'll follow you.' Sophie said reluctantly.

Hey guys! This is a teensy but longer chapter than the last but l didn't have lots of inspiration today so it's kinda bad. Please comment what you think below!


Keeper of the lost cities book 9 Fan FIC [DISCONTINUED] I might continue laterWhere stories live. Discover now