Chapter 3 (Sophie's POV)

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Hey Guys! This is the third chapter coming to you! I think l'll update once a week and maybe sometimes twice. PLEASE COMMENT! I need to know what you guys think! It's okay if l need to improve on something so let me know! ( also sotam fluff later )

Sophie's POV

I thought 'what does that person want?' As me and my friends followed her into a dark alleyway. The cloaked figure kept a tight hold on Linh so we wouldn't escape with her. Tam looked like he was ready to reveal he was a elf and kill the figure. When we got to the end of the alleyway the figure turned around still holding a dagger to Linh's neck.

'What the heck do you want from us?!' I cried at the figure, ' Money?' I asked as humans attacked other humans for money all the time. ' Now,Now, introductions first, tell me who you are and l'll consider not killing your little friend here.' The cloaked figure said. I watched Tam clench his fists , l knew how much he hated feeling useless and not being able to save Linh.  "Why should we tell you?!" Fitz yelled. 'SHUSH! Keep your voice down! Do you want your friend dead!?' The cloaked figure whisper shouted. 'And why should you guys tell me your names? If you don't your little friend gets killed.' The figure said pressing the silver dagger into Linh's neck.

"Fine! My name's Sophie Foster, The guy with the strawberry blonde hair is Dex Dizznee, The guy and the girl with teal eyes are Fitz and Biana Vacker"- "And l'm Tam and thats MY sister Linh!"Tam interrupted me, his voice dripping with venom.

"Last name?" The figure prompted, "why should l tell you?!"Tam shouted " If you don't tell me what your last name is in 5 seconds your sister is dead"the figure threatened while pressing the knife into Linh's neck drawing a few beads of crimson blood. "FINE! It's Song, Tam & Linh Song' Tam said in a quiet but dangerous voice "Now let my sister go or you are sooo dead."Tam said.

I realised that Tam had been gathering shadows and storing shadowflux in his fingers ready to get Linh back no matter what. The figure seemed to falter as Tam had said 'Song'. "Song? Did you say Song?"The cloaked figure asked softly."Yes, I did say Song, is that a problem' Tam asked looking like he was about to attack her at any moment.

"Okay, l'm sorry, there's been a huge misunderstanding..."The  cloaked figure mumbled she shoved Linh away and into Tam's arms.  "Now who are you and what do you want!?' I cried at the figure while readying myself to inflict.

The figure let out a sigh and pulled off her hood revealing her face. She had long black hair with metallic blue and silver highlights and soft pink lips and emerald green eyes with silver flecks. "I haven't introduced myself have l?" The girl said. '. "The name's Lunara, but you can call me Luna, Luna Song."

Hey Guys! Sorry the chapters soooooo short.

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