Chapter 7

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Hey Guys! It's been a long time since I've updated so I'm sorry for that. Also I wasn't motivated soooo yea. Here is a random chapter

Luna POV (again)

'Huh? How does this  person know my name?'  Then the lady fainted on the spot. Quan gasped and picked her up bridal style carried her to a bedroom. We followed Quan to the bedroom quietly as it was quite awkward. 

A few minutes later Mai came to. Quan fussed over her and said she should rest but she refused. She sat up and looked at me and said  "There's a lot of things l have to tell you Luna,"she said softly. I was about to reply but Tam cut in "Is she actually related to us?" He asked in a sharp voice. " Yes..." Mai said not meeting his eyes, Tam let out a small gasp and just walked away out of the room. Linh followed him out. " How do you know my name though?" I asked. Mai looked towards the window, "let me tell you how it how l know..." she said in a small voice.

"Your mother was my younger sister, she was impulsive, fiery hearted and kind. One day she met a human as she had stolen our father's pathfinder and leapt to the Forbidden Cities. They fell in love, When She told our parents they were furious and demanded she cut ties with him immediately. Of course she refused, so she ran away to the Forbidden cities to be with him and we never heard from her again." "But that doesn't explain how you know my name." I pointed out. "I'm getting to that bit" she replied.

"We never heard from her again...until about a year ago. I had gone out to see if any mail had come when l saw an envelope, that was the letter your mother wrote to me." She said as she reached into the small drawer next to her bed and pulled out a worn piece of paper. "This will explain the rest of the story" she said. I reached for the letter and l opened it and held it out so Sophie and the others could see. 

Dear Mai

It's been a long time since l've contacted you and this will probably be the last. I write this letter in hope that you'll help me.

There are a couple of elves who are after my daughter Luna, I don't know why but l know they are dangerous. Me and Luna are on the run hoping to lose those dangerous elves who are after her. I know we haven't talked in a while but l'm asking you to trust me. If Luna for some reason comes to the Lost Cities promise me you'll take her in.

These elves are ruthless, they will do anything to get what they want and right now it's Luna. I will probably be dead soon but please help Luna if she comes and remember to be careful. I never forgot you and all you did for me as a big sister. 

I love you,


Guys rin is the name of Luna's mum ok?

The letter slipped from my hands as l stared at it in disbelief. The people who killed my mum were elves! Not humans! I thought. So many thoughts were racing through my head. I ran out of the door and into the hallway where Tam and Linh had been listening. I ran past them and out of the back door onto the sandy beach. I dropped down and cried, I couldn't believe that some rando elves l didn't even know were after me and they had killed my mother. A soft hand touched my shoulder and l heard a quiet voice "It's okay, It's a lot to take in. I turned around and saw Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Biana and even Tam and Linh. I couldn't believe that some people who l had just met were comforting me.

"It's just that..." I trailed off. Surprisingly Tam said " I read the letter and it's really messed up that some people you don't even know are after you". I looked at him a and said softly "Thank you..." I looked towards the blue ocean and felt anger replacing my sadness "I'll find them and make them pay for what they did to my mother" I swore. Suddenly Sophie said "Did you hear that?" She whispered looking around. I went quiet and listened, l heard a few quiet footsteps coming towards us. We whipped around and we saw three cloaked figures facing us.

"Well,Well,Well... It's nice to see you again Sophie." One of the figures purred. "Lady Gisela." Sophie said in a low voice.

Well that's all for today.. please comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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Keeper of the lost cities book 9 Fan FIC [DISCONTINUED] I might continue laterWhere stories live. Discover now