Chapter 6 (Luna POV)

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Hey Guys! This the 6th Chapter! If you have any ideas for the story please comment below! 

Luna POV

I groggily woke up to hushed, arguing voices. I stirred and rubbed my eyes, l saw 7 pairs of eyes, 6 blue and one brown with flecks of gold. I suddenly remembered everything, how Sophie had sedated me and brang me here. I tried to stand up to escape them after they had tricked and betrayed me but l was bound to the chair l was sitting on.' Let me go right now or l'll kill you'.l hissed at them. 'It's okay Miss Song, we're not your enemy' the guy who was wrinkled said to me ' Then why am l tied up?!' I shot back glaring at all of them. ' Calm down Miss Song, My name's Mr Forkle and l promise l'm not here to bring you any harm.' Mr Forkle calmly said to me.

'How could you?' I cried out at all of them, Dex,Sophie,Tam,Linh,Fitz, and Biana ' l thought we were friends!' They all looked at their feet looking a bit guilty. That's when l felt a presence near my mental shield, l looked around at all of them, it couldn't be Fitz or Sophie as they were'nt looking at me so it must've been the Forkle guy. I glared at him 'Stop trying to break into my mind' l said venomously ' Not like you're going to be able to break in anyway.'

Mr Forkle gasped, l smirked ' Told you' l said. Mr Forkle looked like he had seen a ghost, he looked at the others and all their eyes widened sooo obviously he had transmitted to them. While they were busy l quickly analysed the place l was trapped in and looking for possible escape routes. The door  probably won't work as they'll notice to quickly, l thought but the window might work but l'll have to knock them all out. But first l have to get rid of these bonds... I felt around my pockets to see if my pocketknife was there, but it wasn't. So l decided to resort to plan B, using my abilities to break free.

Mr Forkle had just turned back towards me ' Ok Miss Song'- but he was cut off as l blasted my bonds with a shadowflux spear as l was a shade as well as a hydrokinetic. They were all caught off guard as l stood up and shot a shadowflux spear at them. The shadowflux spear hit Mr Forkle and he collapsed onto the floor. They all ran to see if he was okay so l used the distraction to try and escape but Dex nailed me down with one of his gadgets which put a net around me. They dragged me back onto the chair and they all glared at me

Great l thought l'm back on square one. 'Remove the shadowflux right now!' Sophie demanded. 'Why should l?' I shot back ' You were the one who betrayed me and kidnapped me!' They all flinched as l mentioned the fact that they had kidnapped me. 'But that doesn't make hurting him right' Biana said in a quiet voice ' We're sorry ok? We just didn't know if we could trust you'. ' Well l don't trust you!' I shouted back at her. 'Now let me out of here or your Mr Forkle gets seriously hurt' l screamed.

I expanded the shadows in Mr Forkle to make my point, not too much it was going to kill him but just to cause a little pain to make my point. He groaned before he went unconscious when l expanded the shadows, The Sophie Girl looked at him worriedly 'Fine,But we need to ask you a few questions' she said. 'Souds good to me' l said calmly. ' First question' Sophie asked 'How do you know how to use your abilities and know all these elvin things when you were raised in the human world?' 

'My mother taught me before she-she died...' l trailed off. 'Next question do you have any other abilities that we should be aware of?' Fitz jumped in, ' Well...l am a hydrokinetic.' I replied reluctantly. 'Now let me go!' , 'l answered your questions, and you said you would let me go!'l shouted at them, 'Wait one more question,well this is more of a request really...' the voice surprisingly came from Tam. 'What?' I asked, 'Well... could we go see my parents l need to know how you're related to me and Linh.' He said quietly,almost a whisper. I noticed that everyone seemed to flinch when Tam mentioned his parents.

'Did something happen between you and your parents?'l asked curiously. Tam's eyes seemed to darken and Linh's rosy cheeks seemed to pale a bit when l mentioned his parents ' It's a long story...' Linh said quietly and just turned away to talk to her brother. 'I'll explain it for you Luna' Sophie jumped in ' It all started when Linh manifested as a hydrokinetic...'

*After Explaining*

'Oh... are you sure you still want to go to your parents house?' I asked Tam, 'l'm sure,we need answers' Tam insisted. ' Well if you want... are you okay with that too Linh?' I asked. ''I'll be okay," Linh assured me. "Well then take the nets off me and we'll go" l said, "Wait! You need to take the shadows out of Mr Forkle's system first." Dex interrupted. "Can't Tam remove them? He is a shade after all" l asked. "It'll be quicker if you do it Dex insisted, 'Well if you say so..." l said as l called the shadows out of him and back to me. Sophie and Fitz seemed to flinch when the threads of shadowflux went back into me. I just shrugged it off, it probably wasn't anything...

"Why isn't he waking up?" Fitz asked me, "Oh he'll wake up soon, the effects of the shadowflux just made him unconscious so he will be back to normal soon" l replied. ' Well if we're done with talking let's go to Tam's house already" l said, a bit impatiently. Linh silently pulled out a home crystal and we slowly stepped into a the light...

Guys pretend Luna already knows how to light leap and knows things about the Lost cities okay?


"Whoa... You elves are a fan of extravagance" l said when we arrived at choralmere. "I know right?" Sophie laughed "l said the same thing when l first came to the lost cities" "You're not from here?" I asked "l thought you were an elf?" "That's another long explanation so l'll tell you later.' Sophie said to me. I glanced at Tam and Linh to see how they were dealing with seeing their parents again and Tam looked emotionless and Linh's eyes were looking down.

Tam and Linh just walked up to door and knocked like it was no big deal. Their Dad came and opened the door and he looked absolutely shocked, "What are you two doing here?!" He spluttered. "You said we could visit remember?" Tam said not even looking at him, he motioned to us to follow him and we all just trooped into the house. "Just because we said you could visit doesn't mean you can just come here randomly!" Their dad shouted down the hallway.

"Quan?" A frail voice seemed to say "What's the matter?" We heard footsteps come down the hallway and a woman with black hair and the same silvery eyes as Tam and Linh came into sight, l assumed that she was their mother. "Tam? Linh? What are you doing here?" We're here to ask you some questions and we'll be out" Tam said in a toneless voice. "Wait who's that behind you?" Their mother asked pointing at me. "She's just a friend" Linh answered for me, "Well let me see her" Their mother said coming closer.

When she saw my face all the colour faded from her face and she looked like she had seen a ghost. She slowly stepped forward, 


Hey guys! This is Hydrokinetic34 what do you think of Luna's abilities? I gave her shade and hydrokinetic Cus she is related to Tam And Linh sooooo... also is there anything you want to happen in the story? Comment if you have any ideas! Also sorry for all the bad grammar in this chapter, l didn't have time to edit





Keeper of the lost cities book 9 Fan FIC [DISCONTINUED] I might continue laterWhere stories live. Discover now