chapter 2

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Weeks later and seth and roman had become pretty close to dean and his little sister as when school is finish they will leave school with dean and would go with him to pick up his sister from her school they would offen be at Romans or seth after school both roman and seth have started to notice marks on dean and as his always with them they are wondering how his getting them
They were correctly at school on there lunch break "hey dean what happened to your arm" roman asked as it was black and blue dean quickly pulled his sleave down "nothing" dean mumbled roman and seth looked at each other confused they finished lunch and went to there classes at the end off school roman and seth had football practice so dean went to pick up his sister alone he waited outside the school gate for her she came running out to him and hugged him with a smile on her face "hey gabz did you have a good day" he asked "yeah I made a new friend she's really nice her names aj" she said happily "yeah that's good" he said smiling at her "Where roman and seth" she asked "they had football practice" he said "does that mean we have to go straight home" she said with a frown "we could go get some food I've got some money that I saved up to treat you" he said she smiles and nodded they walked in to town joking around and having fun they got to the little cafe and went in and sat down at a table talking when dean's phone went off

"Hello?" Dean said
"Hey man you home" seth asked
"No im in down with gabz came to get some food" dean said
"Oh where are you me and roman will come meet you then we can go back to mine afterwards" seth said
"We are at Katys cafe" dean said
"Alright man we will meet you there" seth said then hung up
"Was that seth and roman" gabby asked "yeah there coming to meet us" dean said "ok" she said then carried on eating roman and seth got here about 20 minutes later and sat down with us gabz started talking to seth and roman about her day at school while I watch with a smile at how well she gets on with them I looked at roman and I must say he is very hot he then looked over at me so I quickly looked away after a while we headed to seth's
Once we got to mine dean went to the bathroom So me and roman decided to see if gabby knew where dean got the marks on his arm from
"Hey gabby can we ask you something" seth said "yeah" she said "how did dean get the marks on his arm" I asked she then looked scared witch worried me and roman "hey you ok" seth asked "our dad done that to him" she said tears in her eyes roman and seth looked at her wide eyed "what do you mean?" Roman asked worried "my dad always hits him I don't no why my dad's just always angry" she said a tear falling "has he ever touched you" roman asked "no dean would never let them close to me he protects me" she said roman and seth were in complete shock "do you want to stay here tonight" seth asked she nodded seth went to speak to his mum while roman stayed with abby dean came out the bathroom and went over to them seeing gabby crying "gabz? What's wrong?" He asked "I told roman and seth about dad" she said dean looked at her shocked he looked at roman seeing he was already looking at him "dude why didnt you tell us sooner" roman asked before dean could answer seth came back up "you guys can stay here tonight" seth said "what" dean asked confused "gabby asked to stay here tonight" seth said "gabz you know we can't stay" dean said sighing "why not" roman said "we just can't gabby you know I won't let anything happen to you" dean said "I know but I don't want you hurt anymore" she said crying he went over and she hugged him "hey listen you don't have to worry about me ill be fine" he said "I don't want to go home" she said crying "stay here ok ill be back" dean said "Where are you going" she asked "ill be back" he said then left the room he rang his mum and told her about abbys new friend and lied and said she asked if she could stay there the night to work on a school project together she said yes but he has to be home soon he hung up and went back to the room "ok you can stay" dean said she smiled and ran up to him hugging him "You got to be good ok" he said "wait what do you mean your staying too" she said letting go and looking at her brother "no gabz I got to go home I told mum you were staying with your new friend aj working on a school project together" he said "you can't go back you know what they will do to you" she said upset again "I got to go back gabz" he said "please don't" she said tears falling "you'll see me in the morning and ill walk you too school like always and then we'll go out after schools finished ok" he said he cried but nodded "look after her man" dean said to seth "in will you gonna be ok" he asked "I'll be fine don't worry about me" he said "I'll walk with you" roman said dean nodded gabby hugged dean and told him she loved him and would see him in the morning Seth bro hugged him then he took abby down to his mum and she helped her with her home work "come back if need be just ring me ok" seth said going back over to dean dean nodded and him and roman walked out heading home "if something happens you better ring or text me and I'll be right over" roman said on the way "that will just make things worse if they knew people know" dean said "how long have they been abusing you" roman asked "since I was 9" dean mumbled "what" roman said shocked "look ill be fine ok dont worry" dean said they got home and roman waited until dean was in his house before going in to his own he was worried he ate his dinner and started his home work the went to bed keeping his phone close and on loud just incase dean decided to ring if something happens Romans a light sleeper so would hear it
Dean got in to his house and his dad flipped out on him worse then most other times probably cause gabby wasn't there after the beating he stayed on the floor in pain spitting out blood as his mum and dad walked away to the kitchen he slowly got him self up moaning in pain as he slowly made his was up to the bathroom to wash up his ribs were black and blue and he was definitely gonna end up with yet another black eye he went to his room and got changed slowly as it hurt his ribs and then got in bed not telling roman what had happened and went to sleep
Seth's mum got abby in bed in the spare room and said good night but she couldn't fall asleep being use to cuddling up to dean at night to keep her safe she went over to seth's room and knocked on his door he opened it and let her in "whats wrong" he asked "do you think dean's ok" she asked "im sure his ok gabby" he said she nodded "can I lie with you it's just I can't sleep normal I stay with dean at night cause im to scared to sleep in my own room" she asked He nodded and took her over to his bed and covered her up "im gonna finish my homework ok" he said she nodded and soon fell asleep knowing someone was in the room he didn't sleep in his bed with her so he pulled out the pull out bed and slept on that as it would be weird to sleep in the same bed as a 5 year old it wouldn't be that weird if he was in deans shoes as he would do the same to protected her if she was his sister he went to sleep worried about dean just like gabby and roman did

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