chapter 15

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Weeks later
Dean was still on edge he wouldn't even leave the house he wouldn't sleep at night and would sleep in the day when everyone is around so he knows he can't get attacked by his dad everyone is really worried about him his quiet never seems to speak his mute is the only way to put it his barely eating gabz was upset and scared at seeing her brother like this he had been like this before and it didn't end well it ended up with her finding her brother on the bathroom fall after he took an overdose she's terrified dean's gonna try kill himself again she doesn't want that to happen she needs him.

Roman was in his room with dean dean was cuddled up to him he was rubbing his back while dean head rests on his chest dean's hand on his stomach tapping away to the beat of his heart
"You alright babyboy" he asked dean nods slightly against his chest he wraps his arms round dean holding him close
Dean had had to use his inhaler 4 times already today and it was only 11am seth was gonna come over in a bit too dean had his eyes closed

Romans mom comes up to check on them she comes in seeing them cuddled up she goes over kneling down she puts her hand on dean's head "you ok baby" she asked dean nodded against Roman's chest she rubs her fingers thur his hair "you gonna eat" she asked he shook his head against Roman's chest "baby you need to eat you haven't eaten anything in a few days just eat a sandwich to put something in your system i'll bring it up so you can still stay here with roman" she said she kisses his forehead and goes down 10 minutes later she brings a couple sandwiches up and puts them down on the side table roman managed to get dean to eat one of the sandwiches before dean fell asleep against him roman held him tightly he hated seeing dean like this.

A few hours later
Seth got there and went up to Roman and dean's room opening the door seeing dean cuddled up to roman sleeping he goes in closing the door quietly "hey" roman wispered looking over to seth "hey how's he been?" Seth asks "still the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before that and..?" Roman didn't finish as seth cuts him off
"Yeah I get it" he said sitting down.

"I just want want him better" roman said sighing ribbing dean's back they didn't know dean was actually awake and listening to them
"I want him better to man its not the same with him like this his dad's really fucked with him this time" seth said and dean Squeezes his eyes with the wording seth had used he really had fucked him this time. literally his dad had touched him in places he shouldn't and had forced himself on to him it wasn't the first time dean had been raped by his dad either this time and just affected him so much because he realised no matter where he is his never gonna be safe.

that night
Everyone but dean was asleep as always every noise outside made dean flinch he was already curled up in the corner on the floor after a car had backfired outside and had scared him it was raining outside he could hear it all hitting the window could see the flashes in the sky meaning a storm was coming witch dean hated and right at that second a loud clap of thunder happened making dean jump he crawls himself over to Romans draws looking for his meds each clap of thunder coursing dean to jump and bad thought come to dean's mind all the times his dad had locked him out in storms all the times he had been handcuffed to the back gate with nothing on in the rain he starts crying 'take the pills!' a voice in his head says as he finds the bottle of his antidepressants.

Dean crawls to the bathroom and locks the door and looks at the bottle of pills 'do it no one will miss you' 'you think they love you no one loves you it's all lies they feel sorry for you' the voices wouldn't stop as dean sits on the bathroom floor crying his eyes out he opened the bottle and poured some in to his hand stareing at them 'just do it do the world a Favour' dean put the hand full of pills in his mouth and swallowed them dry.

Roman woke up in the night noticing dean not in the room and seth was asleep in his bed while he had slept in dean's with dean he got up and left the room going to check the bathroom first he went to walk in but the door was locked so he knocked "dean? Babyboy you in there?" He asked but got no response "Hello anyone in there" he asked incase it was someone else in the bathroom but again got no response.

He used a trick his mom showed him once and went to his room getting a paperclip and used it to unlock the door he turned the light on and froze in front of him was dean slumped against the wall pale as ever his antidepressant bottle on the floor next to his hand the remaining pills all over the floor
"No... nonono" he choked out rushing to dean and kneling down putting his hand on the side of deans neck there was a faint pulse he pulled dean down on to his back and put his head on dean's chest listening for dean's heart beat it was irregular and faint like his pulse he then checks dean's breathing witch was shallow and slow his phone was back in his room and he couldn't leave dean like this he just couldn't so he didn't care about who heard him as long as someone did "help!!!!!" He shouts loudly seconds later 2 sets of steps could be heard rushing to the bathroom and his mom and seth appear at the door and there facing turn to shock and horror "oh my god" seth said in panic while his mom thankfully ran and got her phone and called for an ambulance roman just prayed to god that dean can hang in there until help arrives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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