chapter 12

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The next morning
Everyone but dean was awake gabby and aj were out with seth's parents in town seth was in roman and dean's room with roman and dean they had woke dean earlier that morning to take his meds then he fell back asleep his head was on romans chest and his arm over romans stomach his berthing was alittle wheezy but it wasn't too bad
Roman and seth were talking quietly not to wake dean

A few hours later and Romans leg had gone to sleep so he had to move but he didn't want to wake dean up
He slowly moved dean's head of his chest and put it on to his pillow and moved dean's arm from round him and slowly got up "I'll be back in a minute jist gonna go get a drink" roman said seth nodded and roman went and got a bottle of water bringing one up for seth too and then sat down next to seth and put the tv quietly not wanting to wake dean up it was unusual for dean to still be asleep yesterday was understandable as he hadn't got much sleep but he slept all night last night with no problems so it was odd
"Should we wake him up" seth wispered looking over at dean
"Yeah its odd for him to still be asleep he slept fine last night" roman said seth nodded and they got up going over to dean's bed roman said down next to dean

"Dean...wake up" roman said shaking dean alittle bit "hmm" dean mumbled moving his hand and pushing romans hands of him before turning on to his stomach his head to the side still facing them eyes still closed "Dean wake up up man" seth said "tired" they heard dean mumble "come on dean you gotta get up now and eat" roman said putting his hand on dean's back they saw dean shock his head slightly before his breathing evened out and he was back asleep again

It wasn't long after dean had fallen back asleep that roman and seth noticed his breathing change to little struggled gasps "dean?" They said as they stood dean started writhe arching up almost like he was trying to fight someone off they rushed over to his bed "dean wake up" roman said

A horrified little choked sound was all they got from dean before he cried out
"Dean!!...dean wake up!!" Roman said as him and seth tired to stop dean from moving not wanting him to hurt himself but the struggling only got stronger the already strained breathing quickening... carrying panicked choked sounds everytime the air left the fighting body again seth looked at roman scared

"Mom!" Roman called out confusion and shock washing through him and seth With every second it got harder to keep there hold on Dean

There hearts pounded stumbled in there chests as panic added to shock and confusion as they kept calling for Dean to wake up fought to keep him from hurting himself until suddenly the resistance died down and the fighting stopped... and Dean stopped breathing

Faintly they heard romans mum come in heard her say something but they didn't hear her words

Dean didn't breathe...

"DEAN!" Roman cried as him and seth let go of his arms which dropped to the mattress lifelessly roman frantically searched for a pulse on Dean's neck but there was no relief as he felt a faint beating under his fingers "No nonono come on! Breathe! Don't do this! Breathe dammit! DEAN!"
His other hand closed around Dean's shoulder to shake him because he needed to wake up

He froze also seeing seth freeze beside him... as Dean breathed a garbled version of romans and seths names the breathless sound ragged and full of horror...

before suddenly the lifeless body reared up and Dean arched up There was a sharp pain on Roman's cheek that shook him out of it as fingers grazed his face... but before he could get out of reach a fist connected with his nose the blow sending him back and to the floor Pain exploded in his face and tears shot to his eyes With a groan he reached up covering his nose with his hands There was a warm wetness touching his palms running from his nose down his face and his throat leaving a metallic taste on his tongue

He looked up at the bed seeing his mum trying to wake dean now while seth was knelt next to him trying to see the damage to his face

"Dean! Dean calm down! It is okay you're safe!" They heard romans mum say
Looking up at the bed again finding Dean sitting with his back pressed against the headboard his heels digging into the mattress while his hands feverishly searched for a hold or whatever making it seem as if he still trying to get away from someone Roman's blood ran cold at the utterly horror-stricken expression on his face the panicked blue eyes jumping back and forth between Roman and seth to romans mum who still talked soothingly to him Dean flinched hard as romans mum reached out to put a calming hand on his cheek seth slowly helped roman up to his feet
"Dean?" Roman said

"Leave us alone a minute hun go clean up your face" his mum said he didn't want to leave but seth dragged him out the room and to the bathroom helping him clean up his face both were still shocked at what just happened

After roman and seth left the room Romans mum picked up dean's inhaler as he was still struggling to get air he used his inhaler slowly getting his breath back but no for long before breaking down in Romans mums arms crying in to her chest
"Shh it's ok let it out" she said rubbing his back

"What the hell just happened roman" seth asked still a look of shock on his face " I don't know seth" roman said after finely getting his nose to stop bleeding

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