chapter 10

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Roman opened his eyes hearing crying he looked around not having a clue where he was he saw gabby and aj crying he he went to move his hands but something was keeping them in place behind his back he looked to his left seeing seth lieing there his hands tied behind his back he looked to his right seeing dean also tied up and lieing there not moving he looked back over at gabby and aj "what happened" he asked they looked towards him and slowly managed to crawl over to him "the man came back with friends they hit you and locked us in the basement" aj said crying "do you know the way out of here" roman asked aj nodded "ok we need to someone get our hands free ok" roman said they nodded again and started moving there arms around trying to loosen to rope round there wrists finally aj managed to get her wrists free and helped untie gabby and roman and then they went to untie dean and seth who both remained unmoved roman went in to his pocket to get his phone but it wasn't there "Where's my phone" roman asked "they took everything out all our pockets" gabby said "everything?" Roman asked gabby nodded roman looked over at dean worried knowing dean had his inhaler in his pocket
He shook dean alittle but got no reaction aj went over to seth shaking him while gabby tried to shake her brother awake seth soon started to come around and moaned in pain roman quickly went over "hey you ok" he asked "my ribs hurt what happened" seth asked "I dont really remember aj said the man came with friends and they hit us then locked up in the basement" roman said he helped seth sit up and then helped him closer to dean so roman could go back to dean who was still being shaken by gabby it took about 10 more minutes before dean started regaining consciousness "dean are you ok" gabby asked as dean eyes slowly opened dean slowly moved his hand to his head not answering gabby roman put his hand on dean's chest "dean?" Roman said dean moved his hand looking up at roman "you ok" roman asked "what happened" dean asked quietly
Roman explained what he knew "were stuck here" dean asked alittle panicky "hey calm down aj knows away out" roman said he then helped dean sit up slowly now seeing the fact that the back of dean's head was bleeding and quite badly too there was alittle puddle on the floor where his head was
Roman helped both seth and dean to there feet holding on to them and followed aj once she got them out the basement they looked for there stuff but couldn't find it and didn't want to stick around to long incase they get seen but roman really wanted to find there stuff but only for dean's inhaler but they couldn't stick around when they heard movement they got out of there knowing it's a long walk to get home they were gonna go to town instead where they can use a pay phone or use someone else's phone to call the police and there parents roman still having to help keep dean and seth up gabby and aj staying close by there side heading towards town alittle while in to there walk dean's legs gave out on him Roman stumbled sideways abit at the unexpected weight witch also made seth stumbled as roman was also holding him up roman bent down so dean was sitting he slowly let go of seth once he was sitting and turned his attention back to dean "dean you alright?" Roman asked then quickly noticed dean's breathing was short he was struggling to take a breath in
"Hey hey its ok breathe I got you" roman said deans hands went to his pocket not realising until now that his inhaler is missing witch now made him panic witch made it harder for him to breathe
"Hey calm down dean breathe it ok" roman said seth pulled himself in front of dean like roman was "hey man its ok take slow deep breaths remember like we showed you" seth said starting to take slow deep breaths in hope that he can get deep to copy him "that's it like that copy seth it's ok" roman said putting his hand on dean's back and slowly rubbing it "calm down we got you" roman said in a calm voice while gabby and aj kept look out to make sure they didn't come after them and if someone else is walking by that they could ask for help
Dean slowly started copying seth
"That's it.....just breathe your ok" roman said it took about 5 minutes beforw dean was finally able to breathe they kept him on the floor just giving him chance to get with it again and to make sure the dizzy and light headedness is gone before standing him up
"You good?" Seth asked dean nodded and despite the pain in his ribs he helped roman get dean to his feet he grabbed on to gabby and put the other on over his ribs gabby held on to aj's hand as seth held her other one as they started walking again they took it slow while roman helped dean 10 minutes later someone walking past noticed the blood on the back of dean's head and the fact that roman had to help keep him up she decided to stop and ask if they were ok they asked to use her phone witch she let them and roman called his parents asking them to come pick them up and to take dean to hospital and then seth rang his parents to let them know what had happened but his ok the girl stayed with them until Romans mum and dad got here they all thanked the girl and left to the hospital once there dean got stichers and seth had 3 broken ribs the police took there statements and left and they were all on there way back to Romans including aj once there seth's mum was waiting there for him he said night to everyone and went home with his mum gabby took aj up to her room witch aj would be staying in and roman and dean went to there room his got a new inhaler too witch he put den on his bedside table before lieing on his bed roman went over and laid down next to dean on dean's bed and put his arms around him
A few days later they got all there stuff back that was taken from them and who ever the people that took aj were now in prison for murder and kidnapping
Aj stayed with the reigns family for now but seth's mum and dad agreed to take her in and adopt her so she could stay close to her friend
Aj alone with gabby always helped out with seth's little sister they changed her feed her helped bath her they were like big sisters to her alone with roman and dean also being like big brothers the reigns and rollins family were just one big family all together

dean and gabby finally felt happy and apart of a family and aj finally had the family she had been waiting for but with it last

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