chapter 4

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That night
Dean woke up at about midnight everyone else was asleep
Gabby was cuddled up to him he picked up his phone and looked at it seeing if he had any messages
He had one from his dad

Glad your gone don't think of ever coming back unless it to back yours and your sisters bags you won't be able to look after her you can't even look after yourself!

That got tears to dean's eyes why did he have to have parents that dont give a shit they would rather drink do drugs and beat the hell out of him then be partners he unwrapped gabbys arms from him making her stir "Where you going" she asked half asleep "im gonna go home get our stuff" he said "no dont" she said "ill be ok gabz I promise" he said she held on to him tightly hurting his ribs alittle "don't go we can just get new stuff" she said "gabz we don't have money for new things" he said roman hearing them talking woke up "whats going on" he asked "dean's gonna go home tell him not to roman" gabby said "what" roman said looking at dean "im just gonna get our stuff my dad sent me a message saying not to go back unless it's to get mine and gabz stuff so im gonna get our stuff" dean said getting up trying to get gabby to let go of him "well then im coming with you" roman said "no roman im going alone" dean said getting gabby of him and passing her to roman and walking down stairs "dean!" Roman shouts waking seth up now too "look if im not back with in half an hour just call the police" dean said then walked out the door "dean" gabby cried roman handed gabby to seth and ran our after dean just getting to dean has dean walked in his house roman followed "roman go" dean wispered "no we will be in and out faster if there's 2 of us" roman wispered back dean sighed then they went up packed dean and gabbys things and went down stairs they went back to Romans and Romans mum and dad were up now too Romans mum was hugging gabby when they heard the door open they all looked over gabby ran up to dean crying and hugged him he picked her up and hugged her "we don't have to go back anymore gabz" dean wispered "i love you" she wispered in his ear "I love you too little sis" dean wispered back he put her down "wait dud you remember to pick up your medicine" gabby asked they all looked confused "oh crap I knew I forgot something" he said "don't go back" she said "gabz you know I need them" dean said "what medicine" roman asked confused "my anti depressant meds" dean said "you suffer with depression" Romans mum asked him dean nodded "we can get some more tomorrow do you need them tonight" she asked "I could go with out tonight" dean said "dean you know how you get when you don't take them" abby said sad "well do you want me to go back and get them" dean asked she shook her head "then ill have to go without tonight ok ill be fine gabz" he said she nodded Romans mum took dean to the kitchen while roman took gabby upstairs with seth
"When did you get put on the anti depressant meds" she asked him "um after I tried to commit suicide a few years ago" dean said she looked shocked "you tried to kill yourself ?" She asked He nodded "how" she asked "stood on an overpass of a bridge and tried to jump my mum stopped me cause she knew that would mean they would have to look after gabz so after that I decided to go get help cause I didn't want gabby left alone with them" dean said "oh hun" she said bringing him in to a hug roman heard all of that and is left shocked
He came in to the kitchen and took dean upstairs and he laid down dean laid down in between roman and gabby and seth was on the other side of gabby the laid two mattresses on the floor and slept on them all cuddled up together with dean and gabby finally being able to fall asleep feeling safe and having a sense of security also it will be the first time in almost 2 years that dean will be missing his meds and that could be bad

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