chapter 3

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The next morning
Seth and gabby where dressed ready for school they were eating breakfast seth texted dean but hasn't got a reply yet
Roman was also up and ready for school he had got dressed and eaten already he also texted dean but got no reply he decided to go over to see if his ready for school he went next door and knocked on the door dean's dad answered roman tried to hide his anger so he wouldn't know that he knows "can I help you?" Dean's dad said "um is dean ready for school?" Roman said "oh um sorry he won't be coming to school today his not feeling well" dean's dad said roman looked uneasy at hearing that "ok hope he gets better soon" roman said as he walked away from the door once he knew there front door closed he went round the side of the house and looked up at dean's window he went back in to his own house and up to his mum's room that was across from dean's room and climbed out the widow on to the tree and walked across to dean's window he looked in seeing dean in bed he knocked lightly on the window dean looked over and slowly got up holding his ribs he walked over to the window and opened it "what are you doing" he wispered "are you ok your dad said you were sick" roman asked "im fine roman" he said "did he hit you?" Roman asked seeing dean's black eye and holding his ribs "leave it roman you'll only make things worse just do me a favour and get gabby to school and tell her I love her and ill pick her up later" dean said "dean I aint leaving just let me in a minute" roman said dean sighed then helped roman in "let me see" roman said lifting dean's top up "oh my god dude did he do that" roman asked dean nodded "are you ok" he asked "I'm ok" dean wispered he then heard his dad coming up "you got to go tho" dean wispered "dean no" roman said "just go get gabby to school ill text you later or meet you at gabbys school layer ok" dean said pushing roman out he shut his windows and closed his blinds roman stayed right outside dean's window he heard dean's dad walk in to dean's room "what are you doing" his dad asked "gonna do my home work from yesterday" dean said "not now your not" his dad said angrily dean sighed "your useless you know that I knew it was a mistake keeping you" his dad said then hit him not knowing roman was still outside listing to all this "your worthless and pathetic" his dad said hitting him dean didn't say a word knowing it will only make things worse his dad finally left his room and dean grabbed on to the wall and leaned forward moaning in pain as his already brused ribs were hit again he heard a light tapping on his window but decided to ignore it knowing it will only be roman he made his way to the bathroom where he finally broke down from they pain and let his tears fall
roman was worried he went back over to his and shut the window knowing dean wanted him to get abby to school he went to seth's
And knocked seth answered with gabby and they both frowned and looked worried when they saw it was only roman no dean "Where's my brother" gabby asked "um his at home his not well" roman said "they hit him didn't they my dad always says dean not well when his beaten him badly so he wouldn't go to school where being will know and he will get taken away" gabby said crying "he wants me to get you to school gabby shook her head "I need to see my brother I know my dad his not gonna stop now dean's home all day" gabby said walking past them heading home seth and roman followed "gabby dean said not to worry about him and get you to school" roman said she just kept walking before they could grab her she walked in the house they had to go hide before someone saw them they waited outside to see if she would come back out
Gabby walked in her dad was on the sofa "why you not at school" he said angrily "I um I thought dean was gonna meet me at the bus stop but he never showed up I didnt no my way to school from there" she lied "go to your room and stay out of your bothers room" he said angrily she walked upstairs she put her bag in her room and slowly walked to dean's but as she got there she hears someone moaning in pain and the sound of something hitting something she went to the stairs and looked down realising her dad was no longer down there witch means oh no she walked back to dean's room and walked in "leave him alone" she cried out seeing her dad on top off dean with his hands round deans neck and his belt around dean's wrists stopping him from being able to fight back
Her dad turned his head to look at her but not moving his hands from dean's neck "I told you to stay out" her dad said angrily "get off him" she cried her dad got off dean going over to her but before he could hit her dean despite the pain he was in got up and jumped on his dad's back putting his arms over his dad's head so his still tied wrists were around his neck his dad flipped him over dean landing hard on his back and moaned in pain "get out of here gabby go!!" Dean yells at his little sister as his dad chucks him in to the wall the kicks him gabby not realising roman and seth were still outside ran to her room and hid under her bed 10 minutes later the house went quiet she opened her door slowly not seeing her dad she ran to dean's room finding him on the floor unconscious and bleeding she ran down stairs and out the door roman and seth ran over seeing her run out "you got to help him his not moving" she begged them they then ran up with her hearing noise in the bathroom roman quickly picks dean up seth grabs gabby and they run down stairs and out the door and over to Romans his mum and dad were both at work they ran in locking the door and took dean over to the sofa they took the belt of dean's wrists while seth stayed with gabby roman carried dean upstairs to his bathroom and put him down in the bath despite dean being fully dressed he turned the shower head on and cleaned dean up the cold water made dean stir he opened his eyes slowly then moaned in pain he looked to his left slightly seeing roman "what happened" dean asked "your dad he beat you" roman said "Where's gabby" dean said panicking sitting up quickly moaning in pain "hey it ok she's doen stairs with seth she fine just worried about you" roman said putting his hands on dean's shoulders calming him down he slowly started sitting up roman helped up and out the shower and told him to his room getting a change of clothes for him "here change in to these ill wait outside the room" roman said dean nodded and roman waited outside for dean once dean was changed he opened the door and roman helped dean down the stairs once gabby saw him she let got of seth running over to dean and hugging him causing him to moan in pain she let go and looked up at his face seth came over "are you ok" he asked "im ok" dean said "right that's it dude you aint going back there" roman said "I have to roman" dean said "dude no" roman said dean sighed they stayed there all day when Romans mum got back from work seeing them all there and the state of dean she went over to them "what happened to you" she asked worried "his dad beat him up" roman said dean looked at him like he was gonna kill him "what!" She said shocked "is this true" she asked dean "it is my dad always hits him" gabby said "oh my god dean hun you aint going back there you can stay here you and gabby" she said "we cant" dean said "you can and you will you are not going back there" she said dean nodded giving in she made dinner and they all ate Romans dad came home and she explained whats going on and he agreed that they are staying here seth stayed the night too they all stayed in Romans room as the guest room wasn't ready for people to stay yet dean mum and dad didn't even care that dean and gabby didn't come home at least there off there hands now even tho they don't no where they are

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