chapter 9

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Later that night Dean woke up unable to breathe properly we reached out for his inhaler but it wasn't there he realised that it was still in his bag witch is down stairs "roman" dean managed to choke out roman moved abit but was still asleep "roman" dean choked out again roman opened his eyes slowly and rubbed them
He looked over towards dean and got up he looked at dean's bedside table not seeing his inhaler "Where's your inhaler" roman asked worried "bag" dean managed to get out roman rushed downstairs and went over to dean's bag going though it he finally found dean's inhaler and rushed back upstairs and put it to dean's mouth pushing it when dean breathed in a few times until dean was starting to get his breath back he put it down and just done nice slow breaths with dean until his breathing was back under control "you ok?" Roman asked dean nodded and roman gave him a quick kiss then sat down next to him dean laid back down and roman laid with him putting his arms around dean's waist and they soon fell back off to sleep
The next morning
Everyone was up and down stairs eating breakfast seth was coming over in abit it was summer break so they had no school for a while
Gabby was gonna be going to her friend aj's house today and staying there the night
"Gabz" dean yells "yeah" gabby yells back from upstairs "you almost ready to go" dean yells "yeah I'm coming" gabby yells back then picks up her bag then goes down stairs aj and her mum were there waiting for her "you be good ok" dean said to her "I will I promise" she said he bent down to her level and hugged her " call me before you go to sleep ok" he said "I will" she said he nodded "go on then and ill see you tomorrow ok" he said she nodded and hugged him again she then hugged roman and said bye to everyone and left with aj and her mum
"You wanna play on the xbox while we wait for seth to get here" roman asking putting his arms round dean waist from behind "sure" dean said they walked up to there room Romans arms still locked round dean before sitting down on the floor dean in front of roman between his legs and they started playing on fifa against each other
Romans arms still around dean while dean leans against his chest
A little while later seth got here and went up he watched them finish there game then they went on call of duty black ops 2 zombies so seth could play also
A While later
Deans breathing became alittle wheezy "you ok" roman asked dean nodded so they carried on playing
Until dean started coughing
Then trying to take in a breath but just coughed again unable to breathe
Seth picked up dean's inhaler but dean moved his hand away not taking it "dean use your inhaler" roman said scared but dean was panicking to much at not being able to breathe to realise his chest was starting to hurt and felt tight making him panic more
Seth just put the inhaler to dean's mouth and when dean tried to breathe in pushed it but dean once again pushed his hand away and held on to his chest "dean stop" roman said seth and roman made quick eye contact and roman held dean's arms down and seth put the inhaler back to dean's mouth about 2 minutes later dean was very slowly getting his breath back
His face was very pale and sweaty his looked glassed over and distant still they finally got him calm and got his breathing under control again and just have him taking slow breaths now to make sure his don't light headed or dizzy from the lack of oxygen he got "you alright now?" Seth asked "yeah sorry" dean mumbled "it's ok as long as your alright" roman said dean nodded
Seth patted dean's back while roman gave him a little kiss on the lips "you had us worried when you wouldnt take your inhaler man" seth said "sorry I didn't even realise I was just kinda panicking abit" dean said roman and seth nodded understanding and then the 3 off them started playing on the xbox again for a little bit before they decided to go to the park roman made sure dean picked up his inhaler and they left to go to the park once they got there they went in
And sat down on the swings and just talked and joked about when dean's phone went off he got off the swing to get his phone out his pocket and walked away from roman and seth to answer it

"Hey dean"
"Oh hey gabz"
"Where are you"
"Um at the park you ok?"
"Dean I think dad's following me I saw him in the shop we were just in and he walked out behind us im scared dean"
"Ok where are you"
"By the cafe just outside town"
"Go in to that cafe and don't leave until I get there ok do you understand?"
Dean hung up and went to leave the park roman and seth went up to him confused
"You ok" roman asked "no" dean said walking out the park roman and seth followed behind still confused "dean whats going on where are we going" seth said "to town to meet my sister" dean mumbled clearly not wanting to sat anymore then that so they didn't ask they got to the cafe and walked in gabby and aj went up to them gabby hugged dean "are you ok" dean asked roman and seth were still confused "im ok his still here so can we just go" gabby said roman and seth looked around spotting dean's dad on the corner watching them dean nodded picking gabby up and taking aj's hand and they all walked out but there dad still followed them dean stopped and gave his sister to roman and seth took aj's hand dean turned around seeing his dad standing right behind him "what do you want" dean said angrily "her" his dad said "fuck you you aint fucking touching her do you hear me I made the mistake off letting it happen last time but that's it no more mistakes watch your back cause if you think your the only one who knows people your wrong" dean said turning back around taking gabby out of Romans hands and they kept walking until they got to aj's they went in while aj and gabby went to play upstairs dean had a take with there mum "look no offence but what the hell you let my sister and your daughter out in town on there own at 5 and 6 years of age what the fuck" dean asked "was there a problem" she asked "yes there was why do you think we had to go get them" dean said angrily "oh im sorry they could of rang me" she said "do you even care that your daughter was put at risk today alone with my sister what kind of mother are you....don't answer that I already know and my sister is not staying here and aj can sleep over at Romans instead" dean said angrily see didn't argue "gabz come on aj is gonna sleep over at Romans instead" dean shouts up to his sister his breathing alittle wheezy roman and seth noticed this and went over "yeah come on guys this will be fun" roman shouts up they came down but looked scared to even be here "whats wrong" dean asked "we got to leave here she isn't really my mum she took me away from my mum im not ment to tell anyone" aj wispered "what do you mean took you away" dean wispered back "she killed my mum and took me said she always wanted a little girl her boyfriend will be back soon please can we go" aj asked dean nodded grabbing gabbys hand but as they turned round aj's mum was there wish and evil look in her eyes
Oh no whats gonna happen

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